121 INDEPENDENT ASSURANCE STATEMENTS METRIC METRIC FISCAL 2021 (METRIC VALUE) FISCAL 2021 (METRIC VALUE) MANAGEMENT CRITERIA MANAGEMENT CRITERIA Total Recordable Incident Rate 0.18 Total Recordable Incident Rate is calculated using Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) recordability criteria defined as follows: (Total number of Recordable Incidents * 200,000) / Total ELC Hours Worked for the fiscal year. Days Away, Restricted or Transfer Rate (DART) 0.15 DART is calculated using the OSHA recordability criteria defined as follows: (Total number of Recordable Incidents that resulted in Days Away, Restricted, or Transferred * 200,000) / Total ELC Hours Worked for the fiscal year. Lost Time Frequency Rate 0.12 Lost time frequency rate is calculated using the OSHA recordability criteria defined as follows: (Total number of Recordable Incidents with Lost Time * 200,000) / Total ELC Hours Worked for the fiscal year. Lost time incidents are any occupational injury or illness which results in an employee being unable to work a full assigned work shift (i.e., time off from work, or loss of productive work (absenteeism or delays)). Total fatalities 0 Fatalities are calculated using the OSHA recordability criteria (defined as an employee death resulting from a work-related incident or exposure; in general, from an accident or an illness caused by or related to a workplace hazard). There were no reported fatalities for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2021. Total Recordable Incidents 89 Total Recordable Incidents are measured using OSHA recordability criteria, by which an injury or illness is considered recordable if it results in any of the following: death, days away from work, restricted work or transfer to another job, medical treatment beyond first aid, loss of consciousness, or a significant injury or illness diagnosed by a physician or other licensed health care professional. # Recordable work-related injuries, by main types Main types of injury include the top three most frequently occurring types of recordable work-related injuries for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2021. Slips, trips, and falls 36 Recordable work-related incidents using OSHA recordability criteria and classified as slips, trips, and falls. Ergonomic injuries 14 Recordable work-related incidents using OSHA recordability criteria and classified as ergonomic injuries. Struck by 11 Recordable work-related incidents using OSHA recordability criteria and classified as struck by injuries. EMPLOYEE SAFETY Employee Safety metrics include ELC regular full-time, regular part-time, temporary full-time, and temporary part-time employees globally and contractors under direct supervision of an ELC employee globally. Information related to brands acquired during or after fiscal 2020 (Have&Be and DECIEM) is excluded from the fiscal 2021 metrics. All rate metrics in the table below are as of June 30, 2021. Other metrics in the table below are reported for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2021. The data used in the calculations is obtained from internal ELC systems and is based on the OSHA definition for recordable incidents applied globally. The preparation of the employee safety metrics requires management to establish the criteria, make determinations as to the relevancy of the information to be included, and make assumptions that affect reported information.
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