4 4 REPORT ABOUT THIS Read more about our social impact and sustainability initiatives at: Read more about our social impact and sustainability initiatives at: https://www.elcompanies.com/en/our-commitments. https://www.elcompanies.com/en/our-commitments. Please see our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended Please see our Annual Report on Form 10 - K for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2021 for other information including our business performance. June 30, 2021 for other information including our business performance. This report provides information about the social impact and sustainability activities This report provides information about the social impact and sustainability activities and performance for The Estée Lauder Companies Inc. (referred to herein as the and performance for The Estée Lauder Companies Inc. (referred to herein as the “Company”, “ELC”, or “we”). The content covers our priority focus areas. Unless “Company”, “ELC”, or “we”). The content covers our priority focus areas. Unless otherwise noted, this report covers activities during our fiscal 2021 (i.e., the period otherwise noted, this report covers activities during our fiscal 2021 (i.e., the period of July 1, 2020, through June 30, 2021) and includes data for most facilities we own of July 1, 2020, through June 30, 2021) and includes data for most facilities we own (or lease) and operate. This report has been prepared in accordance with Global (or lease) and operate. This report has been prepared in accordance with Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards: Core option. This report is also aligned to the Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards: Core option. This report is also aligned to the recommendations outlined by the Task Force for Climate-related Financial Disclosures recommendations outlined by the Task Force for Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB). The GRI, SASB, (TCFD) and the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB). The GRI, SASB, and TCFD indices for this report can be found on pages 107-117. and TCFD indices for this report can be found on pages 107-117. Certain environmental and social metrics have been subjected to Certain environmental and social metrics have been subjected to independent limited assurance. Please see PricewaterhouseCoopers independent limited assurance. Please see PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP’s Report on page 118. LLP’s Report on page 118.
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