09 Identity Colors Color shows our spirit and promotes brand recognition. Our powerful corporate colors, FedEx Purple and FedEx Light Platinum, reinforce the stature of our company. Specific colors from our palette are used in the signatures of our operating companies, as shown below. The preferred custom-engineered inks for FedEx match colors are available from authorized vendors. Contact INX International Ink Co. at (510) 791-2016 or Monarch Ink at (901) 458-1700. FEDEX MATCH COLOR PANTONE® EQUIVALENT CMYK RGB WEB-SAFE HEX FedEx Purple PANTONE 2685 C90 M100 Y0 K0 R102 G0 B153 66 00 99 FedEx Light Platinum* PANTONE 877 C0 M0 Y0 K37 R153 G153 B153 99 99 99 FedEx Light Platinum Reverse** R204 G204 B204** CC CC CC** FedEx Light Gray PANTONE Cool Gray 6 C0 M0 Y0 K37 R153 G153 B153 99 99 99 FedEx Light Gray Reverse** R204 G204 B204** CC CC CC** FedEx Orange PANTONE 021 C0 M65 Y100 K0 R255 G102 B0 FF 66 00 FedEx Green PANTONE 361 C75 M0 Y100 K0 R0 G204 B0 00 CC 00 FedEx Blue PANTONE Process Blue C100 M3 Y0 K0 R0 G153 B204 00 99 CC FedEx Red PANTONE 186 C0 M100 Y80 K0 R255 G0 B51 FF 00 33 FedEx Yellow PANTONE 1235 C0 M30 Y100 K0 R255 G204 B0 FF CC 00 FedEx Yellow Uncoated‡ PANTONE 116U‡ FedEx Gray PANTONE 404 C0 M6 Y18 K50 R153 G153 B153 99 99 99 White C0 M0 Y0 K0 R255 G255 B255 FF FF FF Black C0 M0 Y0 K100 R0 G0 B0 00 00 00 In lieu of the colors listed on this page, you may use the PANTONE® colors cited, the standards for which can be found in the current edition of the PANTONE formula guide. The colors shown on this page and throughout this guide have not been evaluated by Pantone, Inc. for accuracy and may not match the PANTONE Color Standards. Consult current PANTONE Publications for accurate color. ® PANTONE is the property of Pantone, Inc. *When reproduction techniques or restrictions prohibit the use of FedEx Light Platinum, you may use FedEx Light Gray. **Use these values to create sufficient contrast when reverse signatures appear on-screen. ‡Uncoated PANTONE equivalent for FedEx Yellow FedEx Purple FedEx Light Platinum* FedEx Light Gray FedEx Orange FedEx Green FedEx Blue FedEx Red FedEx Yellow FedEx Gray White Black Go to > fedexbrand.com > FedEx Company > Basic Elements > Color

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