- - - 2021 ESG Report Contents Introduction Economic Environment Social Governance ENVIRONMENT FE ATU RE Achieving Carbon Neutrality In Our Operations ** MT CO 2 e 50,000 100,000 150,000 200,000 250,000 300,000 350,000 Purchased goods & services (category 1) Capital goods (category 2) Fuel- and energy related activities (category 3) Upstream transportation/distribution (category 4) Waste generated in operations (category 5) Business travel (category 6) Employee commuting (category 7) Downstream leased assets (category 13) Other Scope 3 GHG emissions Reporting on each In 2021, Fifth Third began measuring other of these categories Scope 3 emissions categories that are demonstrates Fifth considered relevant to Fifth Third, including all of the other upstream categories. Five Third’s commitment to downstream categories considered not relevant transparency and the to Fifth Third are not measured or reported.* broader impact of our Of the reported categories, category 1 (purchased goods and services) and category products and services. 2 (capital goods) make up more than 80% of reported Scope 3 emissions, more than four emissions across our value chain. Reporting times greater than our Scope 1 and 2 emissions. on each of these categories demonstrates Fifth Our reported category 1 and 2 emissions were Third’s commitment to transparency and the calculated using over $1.7 billion of spend data broader impact of our products and services across nearly 14,000 third-parties. These two and to the potential to drive further emissions categories highlight the opportunity for reduction. Refer to the Environmental Data continued supplier engagement to reduce table on pages 49-50 for emission details. *Not relevant for Fifth Third includes downstream transportation/distribution, processing of sold products, use of sold products, end-of-life treatment of sold product, and franchises. Fifth Third has been carbon neutral for our operations since 2020. This was made possible through continued eforts to reduce our own environmental footprint through efciency investments and other projects, and by purchasing verifed carbon ofets and renewable power, which began in 2010. As an organization, we are now carbon neutral in our operations and removing as much carbon dioxide from the environment as we emit. This includes emissions related to all of our buildings (including data centers), corporate vehicles, and business travel. In terms of GHG accounting, this includes all Scope 1 emissions, all Scope 2 emissions and Scope 3 business travel emissions. This was achieved by reducing our corporate carbon emissions, purchasing 100% renewable power and buying verifed carbon ofsets from projects within our Consumer Bank footprint to address our remaining emissions. We were frst among our banking peers to achieve carbon neutrality. The carbon ofsets for 2021 were purchased from two projects in partnership with ClimeCo, a leading global environmental credit project developer. The Recast Energy biomass project is a thermal energy **For Fifth Third's Scope 1, Scope 2 and business travel under Scope 3 emissions. generation conversion project in Louisville, Kentucky. The project converted a coal fred system to a biomass system using locally available forestry and agricultural cellulose based residues. Additional carbon ofsets were acquired from Ascend Performance Materials for a project in Florida that reduces GHG emissions at a single adipic acid plant through the installation of a new absorption column that destroys N2O emissions above the baseline destruction rate that would otherwise have been vented to the atmosphere. These projects met Fifth Third’s criteria for carbon ofsets, including being registered with leading carbon ofset registry (Verifed Carbon Standard, Climate Action Reserve) and independently verifed (First Environmental, Ruby Canyon Environmental) in accordance with industry best practices. 46
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