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Index 58 In addition to the SASB Aerospace and Defense items above, we also report on the following items. Greenhouse gas emissions (1) Scope 1 (2) Scope 2 (3) Scope 3 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Safety (1) Recordable cases (2) Absence cases (3) Lost work days See Safety for industry comparison (1) 1,747 (2) 522 (3) 15,960 Demographics Our full EEO-1 is posted online at Diversity, Equity and Inclusion In accordance with ISO 14064, we engage a third party to provide independent verification of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions information. Apex Companies LLC (Apex) provided independent verification on the accuracy of the GHG emissions reported by General Dynamics for 2020 and on the underlying systems and processes used to collect, analyze and review the information. A copy of Apex’s verification opinion declaration is available on the General Dynamics website .

General Dynamics Sustainability Report - Page 58 General Dynamics Sustainability Report Page 57 Page 59