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Environment 54 Business Lines Supporting Environmental Initiatives Several of our business units’ contracts support the U.S. government’s efforts to mitigate ecological impacts. For instance, GD Mission Systems realizes significant business returns from its climate- related products and services offerings to various U.S. federal government agencies, such as the Department of the Interior’s U.S. Geological Survey, National Aeronautics and Space Agency (NASA), and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). These products and services have taken the form of specially engineered instruments and communications devices for on-orbit Earth observation satellites, including the Landsat constellation, whose mission has collected data on the forests, farms, urban areas and freshwater of our home planet, generating the longest continuous record of its kind. Decision-makers from across the globe use freely available Landsat data to better understand environmental change, manage agricultural practices, allocate scarce water resources, respond to natural disasters and more. In addition, GD Mission Systems is a leading provider of complex ground stations, communications links and mission operations centers for NASA’s Earth Observing System (EOS), which is a coordinated series of polar-orbiting and low-inclination satellites for long-term global observations of the land surface, biosphere, solid Earth, atmosphere and oceans. Similarly, GDIT operates a vibrant portfolio of programs supporting the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and related environmentally focused organizations. Among the services GDIT provides are mission-centric consulting in environmental sciences and public health, and support of the Western Climate Initiative, the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, and other EPA initiatives, including its flagship energy-efficiency ENERGY STAR program. GD Missions Systems is building the operations center to support Landsat missions.

General Dynamics Sustainability Report - Page 54 General Dynamics Sustainability Report Page 53 Page 55