1 S ubject to change annually based on investment portfolio priorities. 2021 GM Giving At-a-Glance 1 STEM IMPACT Tot al 1.7M individuals 74 nonprofits engaged To learn more about 2021 funding breakdown by focus area, download our 2021 Social Impact Report . FUNDING BY UNDERREPRESENTED POPULATION 39% Black/African American 19% Hispanic/Latino 8% Other underrepresented populations GM COMMUNITY IMPACT GRANTS DISBURSED $3M in grants 148 nonprofits 112,000 estimated people impacted COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT IMPACT 76,230 total individuals 12 BIPOC-owned small businesses received a grant and technical assistance 11,827 free rides to alleviate transportation barriers 2,000 women of color to receive entrepreneurship education GM CARES Our employee volunteer force Time valued at $3M for 364 nonprofits 15,284 employee volunteers 95,648 volunteer hours 17 states and 9 countries VEHICLE & ROAD SAFETY IMPACT 36,000 individuals committed to the Safe Driving Pledge Tot al 900,000 individuals 153 high schools provided road safety programming 483,000 individuals to receive education on seat belt use Employee Participation Skip Navigation Introduction Reducing Emissions Design for Environment Technology Customers Safety Diverse Workforce Human Rights Supply Chain Communities Governance 2021 SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 103
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