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ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT & COMPLIANCE CONT. 2019 Conducted benchmarking of industry best practices associated with ISO 14001 certification models. Began redesign of GM’s EMS ISO 14001 program in the United States from individually conforming programs to a holistic, global enterprise conformance model. 2020 Aligned North American manufacturing sites under a common ISO 14001 framework and developed a construct to transition global facilities into this common EMS framework. 2021 Conducted third-party audits of GM’s Global ISO 14001 Enterprise Program resulting in one Minor Finding issued by the Registrar auditing company. 2022 Global Enterprise ISO 14001 Certificate was issued to GM on February 21, 2022. Expanding the global ISO 14001 enterprise program to include new manufacturing operations and additional nonmanufacturing sites. St. Catharines Propulsion Plant in Ontario was the winner of the 2021 GM Manufacturing Sustainability Recognition Award for their renewable energy project, Gold Certified Wildlife Habitat and many sustainability initiatives. Environmental Management System (EMS) All manufacturing facilities that GM owns and operates, and a majority of our nonmanufacturing sites around the world, have implemented an EMS. GM’s EMS combines elements of ISO 14001 and management system elements that are unique to our operations. From 2019 through 2022, GM developed and implemented an aligned, global, third-party certified ISO 14001 enterprise program. This integration ensures we achieve our environmental commitments as a normal part of our business activities. GM continues to expand our EMS programs into other company entities when and where there is a recognized identified benefit. Environmental Performance Implementation of our Guiding Environmental Commitments is facilitated by GM EPCs that apply to our global facilities and major technology centers. The EPCs are internal performance requirements for the management of environmental matters at our facilities. In many cases, they supplement applicable legal requirements by setting minimum standards for environmental management and performance practices that may be more stringent than those required by law. As a result, we work to ensure that a base level of environmental performance is achieved, regardless of where a facility is located or whether a particular jurisdiction has an environmental regulatory program in place. In 2020, we expanded our tracking of environmental compliance and sustainability performance in manufacturing operations by leveraging the Manufacturing Excellence Indexes (MEI) system. Created by Manufacturing, MEI is an internal GM scoring tool to benchmark GM operations performance against internal facilities. The use of real-time data provides the organization a strategic and common method to measure performance, assess risk and drive continuous improvement. Managing Substances of Concern Responsibly GM has established policies, procedures and supplier engagement to monitor banned substances and to ensure global compliance and protect the health of our customers. We receive supplier data monthly that is cross-referenced with known restricted substances lists to ensure compliance with regulations around the world. Our Vehicle Chemical Regulatory Compliance Team evaluates all materials and components/ parts to verify that they do not contain substances that are prohibited or restricted through GM internal standards, approval databases, the Global Automotive Declarable Substance List and the International Material Data System. Skip Navigation Introduction Reducing Emissions Design for Environment Technology Customers Safety Diverse Workforce Human Rights Supply Chain Communities Governance 2021 SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 112

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