Sustainability Strategy GM’s sustainability strategy is led at the enterprise level to ensure a holistic approach across the company. Sustainability is overseen by the Board. GM’s sustainability strategy is led by senior leaders throughout the organization. Our chief sustainability officer is the enterprisewide leader of sustainability and directs initiatives through the Office of Sustainability. The Office of Sustainability has been strategically designed to ensure accountability for key sustainability targets and initiatives at the highest levels of the company; nurture a culture of sustainability across the organization; track and measure progress through transparent disclosure; and engage with both internal and external stakeholders on relevant matters. The Office of Sustainability leaders are charged with innovating and advocating as well as supporting social responsibility and transparent corporate practices. Our Sustainability Office uses a “team of teams” approach to help ensure that functional areas across the enterprise have accountability for their respective functions’ role in accelerating the company’s vision. Within each functional area, a single leader represents sustainability objectives and priorities, and owns sustainability goals and metrics. The teams focus on environmental and social aspects of sustainability. For example, a representative from engineering who sources cobalt for battery development works with the representative from supply chain to help ensure cobalt is sourced through strategic partnerships in an ethical manner that respects human rights. Sustainability Priority Assessment We prioritize sustainability topics by engaging with our stakeholders to understand those topics most relevant to them and our business, and those that offer the greatest opportunity to create meaningful shared value. This process is formally conducted through an assessment, and we performed our most recent assessment in 2021. We plan to conduct similar assessments every two to three years so that it takes into account emerging sustainability issues, macro events and current dynamics in the world around us. We performed our assessment in collaboration with a third party who guided us through a four-part process aligned with the GRI materiality principle for sustainability reporting. Identify a list of sustainability topics relevant to GM and the automotive industry. Understand stakeholder perspectives and priorities through an internal survey of more than 100 GM employees as well as 40 interviews with internal and external stakeholders. Score the topics based on quantitative and qualitative inputs. Prioritize the topics through the development of a tiered matrix as shown on the next page. Skip Navigation Introduction Reducing Emissions Design for Environment Technology Customers Safety Diverse Workforce Human Rights Supply Chain Communities Governance 2021 SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 8
General Motors Sustainability Report Page 8 Page 10