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Quotes are sourced from Clarabridge customer feedback management tool and are intentionally anonymized. Customer Experience Our Customer Experience (CX) Team’s purpose is to create safe and effortless experiences that customers actually love. We aim to deliver experiences that feel simple, convenient, human, satisfying, and beautiful. I appreciate the courteous, knowledgeable customer service representative who addressed my questions and provided me with a year-long plan at a better rate. 03/23/2022 Love this BUICK app 1 easy to use and has all my car’s information. 11/02/2021 Fleet Opps Advisers always do a great job of helping me do my job! 03/23/2022 In 2021, the CX Team, working cross-functionally with our internal and external partners, have designed, developed and launched more than 2,000 customer-impacting improvements touching digital customer interfaces, contact centers, brand sites and GM’s loyalty program. A few of those improvements include new dynamic content in the mobile app 1 , an all new e-commerce platform allowing customers to purchase replacement parts online and a customer self-service hub built into the brand websites. We also make great efforts to ensure our customers can share their feedback with us through the GM Customer Assistance Center. Our Customer Assistance Center is integrated with our U.S. dealer network, field organization, technical and parts assistance, engineering, product quality teams and OnStar and Roadside teams. GM customers can easily report a suggestion, concern or comment through the web channel, email address or phone hotline. This highly dedicated global team supports over 2.5 million interactions monthly to quickly account for feedback and help resolve concerns. In addition to listening to customers through the Customer Assistance Center, GM has launched a new customer feedback management tool that aggregates millions of comments from customers across all channels. The intelligence of this tool allows us to listen to customers, identify opportunities and proactively reach out to support customers as well as continually feed the insights internally to improve our products, services and experiences. Rewarding Loyalty My GM Rewards program, the most comprehensive automotive loyalty program, allows enrolled members to earn and redeem points on eligible purchases, including new GM vehicles, parts, accessories, paid dealer services and OnStar and Connected Services plans. In 2022, we launched an all new rewards program featuring three membership tiers and new ways to earn and redeem. ~6M cumulative members enrolled in the My GM Rewards program. 2 1 A vailable on select Apple and Android devices. Service availability, features and functionality vary by vehicle, device and the plan you are enrolled in. User terms apply. 2 2 018–2021 year-end. Skip Navigation Introduction Reducing Emissions Design for Environment Technology Customers Safety Diverse Workforce Human Rights Supply Chain Communities Governance 2021 SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 48

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