Gensler Miami A 2021 Rising Design Realization Award In 2021, the firm introduced the Rising Design Realization Award to recognize up-and-coming technical leaders. In its inaugural year, we had 20 nominees representing the next generation of leaders. In total, 10 individuals were selected from each of the firm’s regions. Gensler Tampa B 2021 Rising Designer Award Presented to individuals with less than 10 years’ experience, the Rising Designer Award recognizes emerging design talent who develop design solutions that transform people’s everyday experiences through bold, creative thinking. Ten winners were selected for 2021 (photos above), representing each of the firm’s regions. Bo. Ut pre nulparum quatian damendaeptis doles doloruM A. 2021 Rising Design Realization Award (L-R): Soni Shi, Sebastian Arenas, Ramon Castillo, Megan Bengston, Karen Flanagan, Maria Jose Tasada, Jonathan LaRocca, Jenny Chang, Chun En Ong, Amanda Strawitch. B. 2021 Rising Designer Award (L-R): Sarah Vanderhoof, Gensler Singapore Samantha Lewis, Riley King, Lea Daste, Kirk Bairian, Jae Eun Jung, Carolyn Zoerb, Anne Feng, Amber Porterfield, Adriana Esquivel. 24 GENSLER ANNUAL REPORT 2022 25

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