1.2 Global results The Global Gender Gap score in 2023 for all 146 Table 1.1 shows the 2023 Global Gender Gap countries included in this edition stands at 68.4% rankings and the scores for all 146 countries closed. Considering the constant sample of 145 included in this year’s report. Although no country countries covered in the 2022 and 2023 editions, has yet achieved full gender parity, the top nine the overall score changed from 68.1% to 68.4%, an countries (Iceland, Norway, Finland, New Zealand, improvement of 0.3 percentage points compared Sweden, Germany, Nicaragua, Namibia and to last year’s edition. When considering the 102 Lithuania) have closed at least 80% of their gap. For countries covered continuously from 2006 to 2023, the 14th year running, Iceland (91.2%) takes the top the gap is 68.6% closed. position. It also continues to be the only country to have closed more than 90% of its gender gap. The Compared to last year, progress towards narrowing global top 昀椀ve is completed by three other Nordic the gender gap has been more widespread: 42 of countries – Norway (87.9%, 2nd), Finland (86.3%, the 145 economies covered in both the 2022 and 3rd) and Sweden (81.5%, 5th) – and one country 2023 editions improved their gender parity score from East Asia and the Paci昀椀c – New Zealand by at least 1 percentage point since the previous (85.6%, 4th). Additionally, from Europe, Germany edition and 40 other countries registered gains (81.5%) moves up to 6th place (from 10th), of less than 1 percentage point. The economies Lithuania (80.0.%) returns to the top 10 economies, with the greatest increase in score (gains of 4 taking 9th place, and Belgium (79.6%) joins the top percentage points or more) are Liberia (score: 10 for the 昀椀rst time in 10th place. One country from 76%, +5.1 percentage points since the previous Latin America (Nicaragua, 81.1%) and one from edition), Estonia (78.2%, +4.8 percentage points), Sub-Saharan Africa (Namibia, 80.2%) – complete Bhutan (68.2%, +4.5 percentage points), Malawi this year’s top 10, taking the 7th and 8th positions, (67.6%, +4.4 percentage points), Colombia (75.1%, respectively. The two countries that drop out of the +4.1 percentage points) and Chile (77.7%, +4.1 top 10 in 2023 are Ireland (79.5%,11th, down from percentage points). 9th place) and Rwanda (79.4%, 12th, down from 6th place in 2022). While there is an increase in the number of countries registering at least a marginal improvement, such progress is mitigated by an increase in the number of countries with declining scores steeper than 1 percentage point (from 12 in 2022 to 35 in 2023). Global Gender Gap Report 2023 10
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