has also stagnated recently, and even reversed after a phase of rapid and broad-based increase by 1.7 percentage points since the last edition. in economic parity up until 2018, parity has been The gap in labour-force participation seems to be 昀氀agging. This is mostly due to a 4.8 percentage- at a standstill, while parity in estimated earned point decline in parity in estimated earned income income declined by 7.3 percentage points since and 2 percentage-point decline in parity in labour- the last edition. On the upside, the share of women force participation rate since 2018. Namibia has in technical positions has remained at more than achieved 44.3% parity in Political Empowerment 50% since the 2006 edition and there has mostly with 44.2% women parliamentarians, 31.6% been steady progress in the share of women in women ministers and a female prime minister in senior positions over the last decade. Sweden power since 2015. also achieves a full parity score on Educational Attainment. However, parity in Health and Survival Lithuania re-enters the top 10 and ascends (96.3%) has been sliding because of an almost 1.3 two ranks since the 2022 edition to 9th position. years loss in female healthy life expectancy at birth The parity score at 80.0%, is 0.1 percentage since the 2020 edition. point higher than previous edition. Lithuania’s improvement in its gender parity pro昀椀le after Germany sustains its upward trajectory in 2020 can be attributed to the surge in share of gender parity, climbing four ranks since last year women in parliamentary positions and electing a to 6th position and registering an additional 1.4 female prime minister, resulting in 46.6% parity on percentage points to a score of 81.5%. This the Political Empowerment subindex. Lithuania advancement is due mainly to the increase of the has covered 76.7% of the gender gap on the share of women in parliamentary and ministerial Economic Participation and Opportunity subindex. positions, which have boosted the Political This dimension is however marked by mixed Empowerment subindex (63.4%) by 8.4 percentage performance across the indicators. While parity points since 2022. Germany has also attained parity has backtracked in senior positions and estimated in enrolment in all levels of education except for earned income since 2022, full party in technical secondary education. However, a backslide in parity roles has been sustained, and perceptions of in wage equality and estimated earned income wage equality for similar jobs have improved by has depleted the parity on Economic Participation 0.2 percentage points. For Educational Attainment and Opportunity (66.5%) by 6.9 percentage points (98.9%) and Health and Survival (98%), Lithuania since 2018. While parity has been achieved and edges towards parity. sustained in technical roles, the share of women in senior positions is back at the 2018 level (parity The newest entrant to the top 10 is Belgium at score 41.3%). On Health and Survival, Germany is 10th position. It has closed 79.6% of the overall plateauing at 97.2% parity. gender gap, indicating a recovery of 5.7 percentage points since 2017. Most of the development is Nicaragua is the highest-ranking Latin American on the Political Empowerment subindex, where country on the index. It maintains its 7th rank from it has reached full parity in ministerial positions the last edition and only marginally improves to and women in 42.7% of parliamentary seats, 81.1% parity. Progress has been plateauing since marking signi昀椀cant improvements since 2017. 2017 on the overall index. Nicaragua has achieved Further, Belgium remains at parity on Educational gender parity on Educational Attainment and has Attainment. Perception of wage equality for similar been at a standstill at 97.8% parity on the Health jobs and share of women in senior positions have and Survival subindex. The share of women in also been increasing incrementally, and parity has ministerial and parliamentary positions has been been achieved in technical roles. Overall, 72.8% of surpassing the 50% mark in recent years. However, the gender gap is closed on Economic Participation the overall parity score on Political Empowerment and Opportunity subindex. However, a decline in has stagnated, at 62.6% since the last edition. gender parity in healthy life expectancy since 2017 Despite ranking relatively high on the other has been gradually depleting its parity in the Health dimensions, Nicaragua’s performance lags on the and Survival subindex (96.8%). Economic Participation and Opportunity subindex, where only 64% parity is attained. The widest gap 15 most populous countries exists in the share of women in senior positions followed by wage equality. China ranks 107th and has achieved 67.8% gender parity. Compared to the previous edition, Ranked 8th is Namibia, the highest-ranking Sub- this represents a 0.4 percentage-point decline in Saharan African country in this edition, which has score and a decline of 昀椀ve positions in rank. China attained 80.2% gender parity, a 0.5 percentage- is at 93.5% parity on Educational Attainment, point decline since the last edition. Namibia has with full parity on tertiary education. On Economic achieved full parity on both the Health and Survival Participation and Opportunity, China has closed and Educational Attainment subindexes, although 72.7% of the gender gap and attains 81.5% their absolute levels of attainment are low for both parity in labour-force participation rate. It also women and men. With 56% of technical workers secures 11.4% parity on Political Empowerment, and 43.6% of senior of昀椀cers being women, with 4.2% women ministers and 24.9% women Economic Participation and Opportunity is at parliamentarians. China continues to have one of 78.4% parity and is ranked 19th globally. However, the lowest sex ratios at birth (89%), affecting parity Global Gender Gap Report 2023 28
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