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Goldman Sachs Regulatory disclosures Disclosures required by United States laws and regulations See company-specific regulatory disclosures above for any of the following disclosures required as to companies referred to in this report: manager or co-manager in a pending transaction; 1% or other ownership; compensation for certain services; types of client relationships; managed/co-managed public offerings in prior periods; directorships; for equity securities, market making and/or specialist role. Goldman Sachs trades or may trade as a principal in debt securities (or in related derivatives) of issuers discussed in this report. The following are additional required disclosures: Ownership and material conflicts of interest: Goldman Sachs policy prohibits its analysts, professionals reporting to analysts and members of their households from owning securities of any company in the analysts area of coverage. Analyst compensation: Analysts are paid in part based on the profitability of Goldman Sachs, which includes investment banking revenues. Analyst as officer or director: Goldman Sachs policy generally prohibits its analysts, persons reporting to analysts or members of their households from serving as an officer, director or advisor of any company in the analysts area of coverage. Non-U.S. Analysts: Non-U.S. analysts may not be associated persons of Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC and therefore may not be y the analy subject to FINRA Rule 2241 or FINRA Rule 2242 restrictions on communications with subject company, public appearances and trading securities held b sts. Distribution of ratings: See the distribution of ratings disclosure above. Price chart: See the price chart, with changes of ratings and price targets in prior periods, above, or, if electronic format or if with respect to multiple companies which are the subject of this report, on the Goldman Sachs website at Additional disclosures required under the laws and regulations of jurisdictions other than the United States The following disclosures are those required by the jurisdiction indicated, except to the extent already made above pursuant to United States laws and regulations. Australia: Goldman Sachs Australia Pty vide banking services, nor carry on a banking business, in Ltd and its affiliates are not authorised deposit-taking institutions (as that term is defined in the Banking Act 1959 (Cth)) in Australia and do not pro Australia. This research, and any access to it, is intended only for “wholesale clients” within the meaning of the Australian Corporations Act, unless otherwise agreed by Goldman Sachs. In producing h are the research reports, members of the Global Investment Research Division of Goldman Sachs Australia may attend site visits and other meetings hosted by the companies and other entities whic Australia considers it is appropriate subject of its research reports. In some instances the costs of such site visits or meetings may be met in part or in whole by the issuers concerned if Goldman Sachs y financial product advice, it is general advice only and has and reasonable in the specific circumstances relating to the site visit or meeting. To the extent that the contents of this document contains an y such advice, consider the appropriateness of the advice been prepared by Goldman Sachs without taking into account a clients objectives, financial situation or needs. A client should, before acting on an having regard to the clients own objectives, financial situation and needs. A copy of certain Goldman Sachs Australia and New Zealand disclosure of interests and a copy of Goldman Sachs Australian Sell-Side Research Independence Policy Statement are available at: Brazil: Disclosure information in relation to CVM Resolution n. 20 is available at Where applicable, the Brazil-registered analyst primarily responsible for the content of this research report, as Canada: This information is being provided to you defined in Article 20 of CVM Resolution n. 20, is the first author named at the beginning of this report, unless indicated otherwise at the end of the text. y Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC for purchasers of securities in Canada for information purposes only and is not, and under no circumstances should be construed as, an advertisement, offering or solicitation b to trade in any Canadian security. Goldman Sachs & Co. 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India: Further information on the subject company or companies referred to in this research may be obtained from -A, Rational House, Appasaheb Marathe Marg, Prabhadevi, Mumbai 400 025, India, 1493, 951 Goldman Sachs (India) Securities Private Limited, Research Analyst - SEBI Registration Number INH00000 Corporate Identity Number U74140MH2006FTC160634, Phone +91 22 6616 9000, Fax +91 22 6616 9001. Goldman Sachs may beneficially own 1% or more of the securities (as such term is defined in Japan: See below. Korea: This research, and any access to it, is clause 2 (h) the Indian Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956) of the subject company or companies referred to in this research report. hs. Further information on the subject company or intended only for “professional investors” within the meaning of the Financial Services and Capital Markets Act, unless otherwise agreed by Goldman Sac companies referred to in this research may be obtained from Goldman Sachs (Asia) L.L.C., Seoul Branch. New Zealand: Goldman Sachs New Zealand Limited and its affiliates are neither “registered or “wholesale clients” (as defined in the Financial banks” nor “deposit takers” (as defined in the Reserve Bank of New Zealand Act 1989) in New Zealand. This research, and any access to it, is intended f ailable at: Advisers Act 2008) unless otherwise agreed by Goldman Sachs. A copy of certain Goldman Sachs Australia and New Zealand disclosure of interests is av Russia: Research reports distributed in the Russian Federation are not advertising as defined in the Russian legislation, but are information and analysis not having product promotion as their main purpose and do not provide appraisal within the meaning of the Russian legislation on appraisal activity. Research reports do not constitute a personalized investment recommendation as defined in Russian laws and regulations, are not addressed to a specific client, and are prepared without analyzing the financial circumstances, en by a client or any other person based on this research report. investment profiles or risk profiles of clients. Goldman Sachs assumes no responsibility for any investment decisions that may be tak or this research, and should be Singapore: Goldman Sachs (Singapore) Pte. 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A copy of these risks warnings, and a glossary of certain financial terms used in this report, are a Sachs International on request. egulation (EU) No 596/20 European Union and United Kingdom: Disclosure information in relation to Article 6 (2) of the European Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) (2016/958) supplementing R 14 of ollowing the United Kingdoms departure from the the European Parliament and of the Council (including as that Delegated Regulation is implemented into United Kingdom domestic law and regulation f European Union and the European Economic Area) with regard to regulatory technical standards for the technical arrangements for objective presentation of investment recommendations or other ailable at information recommending or suggesting an investment strategy and for disclosure of particular interests or indications of conflicts of interest is av which states the European Policy for Managing Conflicts of Interest in Connection with Investment Research. Japan: Goldman Sachs Japan Co., Ltd. is a Financial Instrument Dealer registered with the Kanto Financial Bureau under registration number Kinsho 69, and a member of Japan Securities Dealers Association, Financial Futures Association of Japan and Type II Financial Instruments Firms Association. Sales and purchase of equities are subject to commission pre-determined with clients plus

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