In North American frontline roles, healthcare roles have among the highest vaccine requirements, at 16%, with production and facilities roles close behind at 14%. This is still surprisingly low given that the US Supreme Court mandate did allow the administration to mandate vaccination for healthcare workers. Jobs in ‘blue’ states are 4x more likely to have vaccine requirements than jobs in ‘red’ states Blue states saw vaccine requirements go from 5% of all jobs in 2021 to nearly 20% of all jobs in 2022. Leaders included Washington, DC (21%), Massachusetts (21%), Rhode Island (18%), New Jersey (17%), and New York (16%). Conversely, Wyoming has the lowest rate (4%), but this is at the top end of the scale when compared to 2021. To put some numbers behind the relationship we saw between blue states and vaccination requirements in job posts, we ran a correlation between FiveThirtyEight’s partisan lean against the frequency of vaccination mandates in job posts. Correlations can range between 0 and 1, corresponding to no relationship and a strong relationship, respectively. This analysis showed a correlation coefficient of 0.63, which means that 63% of the variation in the rate of vaccine requirements in job postings in a state can be accounted for with the partisan lean of the state. © Tapwage Inc 2022 22

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