How to Schedule a Class and Invite Others 1. In your Wellbeats Wellness account, select a class you would like to schedule, then select “Schedule/ Invite”. 2. Select a date and time to take the class, then select “Schedule for Yourself”. You will receive an email con昀椀rming your scheduled class. Depending on your settings, you may also receive an SMS text or push noti昀椀cation. 3. You will be prompted to invite others to your scheduled class. Search for and invite someone in your same organization using the “Search for Wellbeats members by Name” option. If the person you search for does not appear, this may be because they are not eligible for Wellbeats Wellness or they have disabled their social settings. 4. Depending on your sponsored organization’s subscription, you may also have the option to invite someone outside of your organization who is eligible for Wellbeats Wellness. If applicable, you must enter their complete email address using the “Invite Wellbeats members by email” option. Your invitees will receive an email to join you in class. Depending on their settings, they may also receive an SMS text or push noti昀椀cation. They can accept the invite by logging into their Wellbeats Wellness account, selecting “Schedule” in the main menu, then “Accept”.

How to Schedule a Wellbeats Class and Invite Others - Page 2 How to Schedule a Wellbeats Class and Invite Others Page 1 Page 3