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Contents Sustainable Impact Footprint Integrity and human rights Supply chain responsibility Operations Products and solutions Appendix names of the cobalt refiners they use, and to join Supplier diversity us in encouraging these refiners to complete an RMI audit. Additionally, we encourage suppliers to engage in collaborative industry action Our commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion LGBTQ+ individuals, and aboriginal or indigenous Minority Supplier Development Council, the through RMI. See our Report on Cobalt, and our is a top priority at HP and applies equally to individuals—to compete for our business. In 2021 Women’s Business Enterprise National Council, responsible minerals sourcing expectations our workforce and to our relationships with in the United States, we spent US$276 million with and industry groups such as tech:SCALE. for suppliers in HP’s General Specification for suppliers. Through our purchasing decisions and small businesses, US$79 million with minority- the Environment. activities, we foster greater opportunity, equality, owned businesses, and US$91 million with We launched the HP Racial Equality and Social and representation. Building a more diverse 1 Justice Task Force in June 2020. Through policies, women-owned businesses (see data). During the supply chain reflects our values while driving year, our supplier diversity program in the United programs, and executive sponsorships, we will Multi-stakeholder initiatives greater innovation, fortifying our business, and States had an overall economic impact of more help Black/African American-owned suppliers strengthening local economies. than US$650 million (see graphic below). develop relationships with HP that can strengthen Sourcing minerals responsibly requires globally their businesses and build economic power. To coordinated efforts across sectors and We encourage small businesses and diverse In 2021, we continued to develop our supplier drive economic empowerment, our goal is for 10% industries. We collaborate widely with businesses, companies—that is those owned by women, diversity program in the United States. To of HP supplier diversity spend in the United States NGOs, government agencies, and our production minorities, veterans, service-disabled veterans, accelerate our efforts, we work with the National to be with Black/African American suppliers in suppliers to advance the use of responsibly sourced minerals. Economic impact summary of HP supplier diversity program, 2021* Through RMI, we help develop and share due diligence standards, tools, trainings, and white papers to build the capabilities of the IT industry US$650 million+ overall economic impact** and beyond. We also support broader policy efforts through participation in RMI and its Due Diligence Practices, Smelter Engagement, and Sensing and Prioritization Teams. US$362 US$130 2,000+ US$200 Additionally, we collaborate through external Jobs supported through forums and initiatives, including the European MILLION MILLION+ MILLION+ Partnership for Responsible Minerals, Material Spending with small Incomes earned by employees HP’s spending with diverse Federal, state, and local Insights, and Public-Private Alliance for suppliers*** Responsible Minerals Trade. and diverse suppliers in the jobs supported by HP’s personal and corporate taxes supplier diversity program generated purchases * Data is for the 12 months ending September 30 of the year noted. Figures are based on HP purchases in the United States and Puerto Rico from U.S.-based businesses. ** Goods and services produced by HP’s diverse suppliers and their supply chains. *** Including professional services, scientific services, technical services, computer and electronic manufacturing, real estate, and numerous other industries. 34 2021 HP Sustainable Impact Report

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