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Contents Sustainable Impact Footprint Integrity and human rights Supply chain responsibility Operations Products and solutions Appendix once every three years. Third parties receive Human rights training as part of HP’s due diligence process. Training and communication HP’s stance on human rights is clear and and data protection, accessibility, and unintended purposes or in contexts that create uncompromising. We embrace our responsibility environmental sustainability. adverse human rights impacts. We deliver comprehensive anti-corruption to respect human rights, continually monitoring content to all employees through annual Integrity emerging human rights expectations and Our policy commitment includes respecting We sell PCs and printers to consumers, at HP training, as well as to all members of best practices. human rights in accordance with the United businesses, and governments worldwide. These the Board of Directors. We also communicate Nations Guiding Principles on Business and products and technologies are widely available in year-round with our employees to reinforce our Human Rights (UNGPs) and the Organisation the market from HP and its competitors. To avoid policies, controls, and training. Approach for Economic Co-operation and Development the misuse of our products and solutions, HP is (OECD) Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. committed to complying with all relevant sanctions, Additionally, targeted employee training is We are committed to ensuring that everyone We commit to respect internationally recognized restrictions, and embargoes imposed by national provided to cover specific anti-corruption within HP and throughout our value chain is human rights as expressed in the: governments or international organizations across risks relevant to business functions, roles, and treated with dignity and respect. We insist that all our worldwide operations. In all of our business, responsibilities. In 2021: workers are treated fairly and have safe working • International Bill of Human Rights, meaning we prioritize the highest standards of corporate conditions and freely chosen employment. the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the ethics, and we operate in strict accordance with all • Over 13,100 employees (99% of the employees International Covenant on Civil and Political applicable laws and regulations. assigned) who support HP’s public sector Policies and commitments Rights, and the International Covenant on business or work in higher-risk jobs completed Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. When we identify potential human rights risks this training. Of these, 33% were in the In 2021, HP strengthened its Human Rights Policy • International Labour Organization’s Declaration within our value chain, we conduct human rights Americas, 35% in Asia Pacific and Japan, and (available in 24 languages), which advances our on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. due diligence. When others make allegations 32% in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. commitment to upholding human rights, engaging linking our business to adverse human rights with rights holders, and embedding our approach In addition, we continue to support the Ten impacts, we investigate the claims in line with • About 3,390 employees (92% of the relevant throughout our business and value chain. This Principles of the United Nations Global Compact. our Human Rights Policy. Wherever we can employee base) completed training on the policy and our Sustainable Impact strategy exert influence to mitigate alleged human rights requirements for doing business with the recognize that social and environmental issues We also commit to comply with local laws and impacts we do so. U.S. government. are interconnected, and many have human rights regulations. Where laws are silent as to protected dimensions. We work for holistic change across a human rights or are less stringent than our Governance and accountability Due to COVID-19-related travel restrictions during approach, we work diligently to develop solutions the year, these trainings were conducted virtually. broad range of areas. to advance our commitment, supporting progress Our President and Chief Executive Officer, who We have developed specialized policies wherever possible. is also a member of our Board of Directors, Requirements for mitigating anti-corruption approved our Human Rights Policy, and our risk associated with charitable giving are and practices to support our human rights communicated to employees through the HP commitments, including those addressing Technology and human rights Head of Corporate Affairs holds operational Global Charitable Contributions Policy, and risks supply chain responsibility, responsible Technology has the potential to improve the accountability for this policy. The Head of are mitigated through the grantmaking process. minerals sourcing, human resources, diversity, lives of people around the world. However, we Corporate Affairs, Chief Supply Chain Officer, equity, and inclusion, racial equality, privacy recognize that technology can also be used for and Chief People Officer are responsible for 23 2021 HP Sustainable Impact Report

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