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Contents Sustainable Impact Footprint Integrity and human rights Supply chain responsibility Operations Products and solutions Appendix Our facilities At our 150 sites in 59 countries around the Every year, we perform risk assessments at all of All new build-outs target the LEED v4 Gold injury occurs, we identify the root cause and world, we are taking action to reduce our GHG our chemical-intensive and manufacturing sites. Standard and/or a local equivalent (such as implement solutions to address it. Employees emissions, energy and water withdrawal, In 2021, we conducted on-site audits wherever BREEAM). In support of these objectives, HP has receive guidance to identify and report hazards, and waste generation. While GHG emissions possible. Where the pandemic prevented in- developed the HP Green and Smart Construction and channels exist for them to report hazards associated with HP’s operations represent just person visits, we conducted remote audits or Playbook for project managers, which provides outside of their immediate control, for action by 1% of our overall carbon footprint, this is the postponed them until 2022. Management reviews guidance on key principles such as energy facility teams. We ensure our employees feel area where we have the greatest control and the findings of all audits, and any deficiencies are use, indoor air quality, water withdrawal, and able to remove themselves from situations they influence, and therefore the greatest ability to identified and action plans are developed. waste recycling. We also factor environmental believe are unsafe. make immediate impact. During 2021, we reduced considerations into decisions to lease new sites, our Scope 1 and Scope 2 GHG emissions 7% When feasible, we pursue environmental asking prospective landlords, through the HP To continually develop our global EHS compared to 2020. By modeling sustainable management and green building certifications Energy and Sustainability Survey, about features management system, we engage with and seek operations, we also demonstrate our values in at HP-owned and leased facilities worldwide. such as LEED certification, renewable energy, input from safety professionals, management action, and highlight industry-leading practices as As of the end of 2021, 22 facilities, including electric vehicle (EV) charging stations, and teams, and partners across HP. All locations must an example to employees, customers, suppliers, all HP manufacturing sites, were certified to water efficiency. proactively implement company-wide health and visitors, and others. International Organization for Standardization safety standards. These specify that any new (ISO) 14001:2015 (the most recent version), with Sites use our HP EcoChampions Playbook to equipment and chemicals, along with any 17 as part of our global ISO 14001 certificate. support training and engagement on sustainable changes to the work environment, are reviewed Environmental, health, and Thirteen facilities, including 57% of HP operations. The Playbook includes modules with for safety and environmental issues, and any safety management manufacturing sites, were certified to ISO 45001: step-by-step guidelines in areas such as energy issues addressed accordingly. 2018 for occupational health and safety. and water efficiency and waste reduction. HP owns and leases facilities around the world. As of October 31, 2021: To drive improvement in health and safety, Our EHS Policy (now also available in Chinese our EHS management system aligns with the ABOUT OUR OPERATIONAL DATA and Korean) and EHS management system • Fifteen sites globally had achieved Leadership American National Standards Institute (ANSI) (which apply to all HP employees and contractors in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED®) Z10 standard and the ISO 14001 standard. We All environmental data reported in this section and all operational sites) help us to manage our certifications for buildings, including 12 at the hire and train safety professionals to implement refers to HP operations through October 31, 2021. environmental impact, improve worker safety, Gold or above level.1 procedures for reviewing new and ongoing At that time, we owned or leased 150 sites in verify progress toward our goals and adherence workplace health and safety hazards, and 59 countries. From invoices and other documents, • Three sites had achieved BREEAM certifications HP directly tracked data for 2021 representing to internal standards, and document compliance for building, including one at the Excellent level.2 incorporate newly identified hazards periodically with all applicable laws and regulations. We into our EHS management system. 95% of total electricity use, 90% of total natural investigate all allegations that our facilities are • Two locations had achieved SITES certification gas use, 92% of total water withdrawal, 90% failing to comply with applicable laws and take for sustainable landscape. Supervisors are required to ensure that all HP of nonhazardous waste, and 100% of total corrective action when needed. • One site had achieved TRUE certification for work-related health and safety incidents are hazardous waste. waste diversion. investigated and issues addressed. When an 53 2021 HP Sustainable Impact Report

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