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Contents Sustainable Impact Footprint Integrity and human rights Supply chain responsibility Operations Products and solutions Appendix About this report Metrics and goals External verification HP has reported yearly on its social and In addition to our Sustainable Impact Report, The metrics in this report are HP data, unless Assurance demonstrates our commitment environmental progress since 2001. We provide we report on our programs and progress on our stated otherwise. Collecting data from more than that information in this report describes our in-depth information to stakeholders, including Sustainable Impact website on an ongoing basis. 100 sites globally is complex, and the process performance accurately and completely. customers, industry analysts, socially responsible Our past reports are available online. can vary by issue, business unit, function, and investors, nongovernmental organizations geography. As a result, company-wide metrics In 2021, HP engaged Ernst & Young LLP (EY) to (NGOs), employees, sustainability specialists, can be difficult to define and implement. We perform an independent review of selected governments, and others. Reporting scope continue to standardize our measurement key performance indicators in our 2021 HP and measures systems and metrics. Data is rounded to reflect Sustainable Impact Report. This process was To determine report contents, we consider: the appropriate level of certainty. conducted in accordance with attestation standards established by the American Institute • Our ESG materiality assessment. • This report describes HP’s Sustainable Impact Reporting performance beyond our immediate of Certified Public Accountants. • Input from executives and content experts policies, programs, and goals. It includes HP’s operations is also challenging. We must across HP. performance data through FY2021 (which ended make assumptions when estimating Scope 3 For a full listing of the indicators within the scope October 31, 2021), unless stated otherwise. greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, product energy of EY’s review, please see the Independent • Input from external stakeholders. • The information in this report is current as of consumption and resulting GHG emissions, the accountants’ review report. • Broader sustainability context and trends. the date of its initial publication. The report percentage of HP products that are recycled, and In addition, the following data received external • External standards and frameworks such as has not been updated to reflect any changes other metrics. Where appropriate, we provide assurance this year: the Global Reporting Initiative Sustainability since that date, including any changes to HP’s context for data to help readers understand Reporting Standards, the UN Global Compact, business or strategy. HP assumes no obligation limitations and draw appropriate conclusions. • Product repair, reuse, and recycling: Through the UN Sustainable Development Goals, the and does not intend to update this report to Forward-looking content reflects approaches, Environmental Resources Management (ERM), Sustainability Accounting Standards Board reflect any such changes. goals, and priorities established by the HP teams HP audited 25 vendor facilities in 14 countries Hardware Sustainability Accounting Standard, • The performance data in this report covers responsible for implementing them. These were during 2021. This included repeat audits of 15 the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial 100% of HP’s global business operations and/ set in consultation with internal, and in some vendor facilities to evaluate their efforts to Disclosures, and the World Economic Forum or revenue, as of HP’s most recently completed cases external, stakeholders, and consider improve performance. Learn more in Product International Business Council Stakeholder fiscal year, unless stated otherwise. leading corporate practices. reuse and recycling vendors. Capitalism Metrics. • All references to years are to HP’s fiscal • Supply chain: HP participates in the Responsible • Global reporting trends and best practices. year, which ends October 31 of the year noted, Business Alliance (RBA) Validated Assessment unless stated otherwise. Feedback Program (VAP), which uses independent external auditors to audit our suppliers’ social • All references to dollars are to U.S. dollars. Your comments and suggestions are important and environmental responsibility performance • “Tonnes” refers to metric tons. to us. Please provide any feedback on this report, against HP Supplier Code of Conduct our performance, or our website using our requirements. Learn more in Supply online form. chain responsibility. 92 2021 HP Sustainable Impact Report

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