28 intel.com/responsibility 2021-22 Corporate Responsibility Report Stakeholder Engagement We are committed to operating with transparency and, through open and direct communication, we work to develop trusted relationships with all stakeholders, including employees, customers, suppliers, governments, and communities. We maintain formal management systems—including neighbor relations managers for our major manufacturing sites—to engage with, listen to, and learn from our stakeholders and incorporate their input into our thinking and planning. In addition to face-to-face meetings, a number of online channels provide us with valuable, ongoing input on our performance and strategy. Our corporate responsibility e-mail account enables stakeholders to share their issues, concerns, and comments directly with members of our corporate responsibility team, who respond to hundreds of messages each year on a wide variety of topics. We also receive and respond to feedback through our CSR@ Intel blog, Exploreintel.com website , Facebook page , and @WeAreIntel Twitter account . Our corporate responsibility materiality 1 matrix below illustrates how we identify, prioritize, and take action surrounding the topics we believe are of greatest inter - est to our stakeholders regarding Intel’s environmental, social, and economic performance. Additional details on our stakeholder engagement practices and issues raised through the year are available on our Report Builder website. 1 “Materiality” refers to materiality within the context of our corporate responsibility program and priorities and does not refer to concepts of materiality used in securities or other applicable law. 2. Prioritize We review issues and consider both the potential impact on stakeholder decisions and the impact on Intel’s business and external systems. The issues listed in the matrix below were prioritized from more than 50 issues identified and reviewed during the process. 1. Identify We use a range of methods and inputs to identify priority topics and emerging issues from our stakeholders. Sources: • Corporate social responsibility and social media channels • ESG investor outreach meetings • Results of community advisory panels and surveys • Customer data requests and survey data • Employee open forums and surveys • Meetings with governments • Human rights impact assessment and ethics and compliance processes • Research on external standards, trends, and frameworks Stakeholder Review: Every two years, we engage a third party to update our materiality assessment. Our most recent update was completed in early 2021, building on the previous assessment that was used to inform the development of our 2030 strategy and goals. The latest assessment included review of industry best practices and reports, external reporting standards, analysis of issues identified through stakeholder dialogue during the year, and completion of interviews with internal and external stakeholders. We use this information to inform changes to our strategies, goals, and ongoing engagement and disclosure practices. 3. Take Action Impact on Stakeholder Decisions Impact on Intel’s Business and External Systems ( Internal stakeholders ) Low High Medium High Medium Corporate Responsibility Materiality Matrix Product Energy Efficiency Environmental Compliance Chemical & Hazardous Waste Management Anti-Competitive Behavior Responsible Product Use Climate Migration & Justice Remote Working Environmental Social Economic/Governance Supply Chain Responsibility Business Ethics Financial & Economic Growth Diversity, Inclusion, & Accessibility Climate & Energy Health & Safety Employee Retention & Talent Development Global Health Pandemics Migrant Worker Rights Supply Chain Distruption Ethical AI New Global Legislation Water Stewardship Data Privacy & Security Human Rights Product Quality & Safety Introduction Responsible Inclusive Sustainable Enabling Appendix Our Business
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