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89 2021-22 Corporate Responsibility Report Independent Limited Assurance Statement For a PDF copy of this statement, including a summary of data within the scope of assurance for 2021, access the Report Builder website. Pag e 1 of 2 INDEPENDENT LIMITED ASSURANCE STATEMENT To: The Stakeholders of Intel Corporation Introduction and Objectives of W ork Apex Companies , LLC (Apex) has been engaged by Intel Corporation (Intel) to provide limited assurance of its selected environmenta l, safety , supplier , and diversity data. This assurance statement applies to the related information included within the scope of work described below (Subject Matter ). This information and its presentation in Intel ’s 2021 Corporate Responsibi lity Report ( ‘ the Re port ’ ) are the sole r esponsibility of the management of Intel . Apex was not involved in the drafting of the Report . O ur sole responsibility wa s to provide independent assurance on the acc uracy of the Su bject Matter . This is the third year in wh ich we ha ve provide d assuranc e over Intel ’s Corporate Responsibility Report . Scope of Work The scope of our work was limited to assurance over the following environme ntal, safety , supplier, and dive rsity data included within Intel ’s 2021 Corpora te Responsi bility Report (‘the Rep ort’) for the period of calendar year 2021 (the ‘ Subject Matte r ’) : ▪ Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Scope 1 , Sc ope 2 location -based and market -based, and Scope 3, Category 5 – Waste generated in operations ) ▪ Renewable Energy Percenta ge ▪ Water Conservation ▪ Energy Conservation ▪ Number of Responsible Business Alliance (RBA) Validated Audit Program (VAP) supplier audits co nducted ▪ Priority/Ma jor Finding s by Categ ory fo r RBA VAP supplier audit s ▪ Recordable Injury and Illness Ra te ▪ Cumulative T rauma Disorder (CTD) Cases as Percent of Total Cases ▪ Percent of Underrepresented Min orities in Senior Leadership (Hispanics, African American, and Native Americans in U.S. only) ▪ Percent of Women in Senior Leadershi p (Global) ▪ Global Emplo yee Turn over Rate ▪ Volunteer hours ▪ Charitable contributions (methodology) ▪ Supplier Diversity Spend Our assurance does not extend to any other inform ation included in the Report . Repo rting Boundaries The following are the boundar ies used by Intel for reporting sustai nability data: ▪ Operational Control ▪ For GHG Emis sions - all manufacturi ng site s and all non -manufacturing sites with air permits ▪ For Water and Energy - all manufacturing and technology development ( TD ) sites, non -manufacturing sites where Intel has operatio nal cont rol that have either >= 2,000 employees or < 2,000 employee s that consume or generate an amoun t that i s material to the global inventory. *Material is defined by Intel as any site ≥ 1% of the global total for that metric/inventory Note: Manufacturing sites includ e waf er fabs, assembly test ( ATM) , technology development (TD), and mas k op eratio ns Reporting Criteria The Subject Matter needs to be read and unde rstood together with t he description of the Subject Matter in the Report. The reporting criteria for g reenhouse gas (GHG) emissions was the World Resources Institute (WRI) /World Business Council for Sustainable Developm ent (WBCSD) Greenhouse Gas Prot ocol Corporate Accounting an d Reporting Standard . The reporting criteria for the safety data was the OSHA and US Burea u of Labor Standard s. The reporting criteria for supp lier a udits w as the RBA Code of Conduct. The reporting cri teria for other data is bas ed on company criteria, as described in the CR Report. Limitations and Exclusions Excluded from the scope of our work is any assurance of inf ormation relating to: ▪ Text or other wri tten statements associated with Intel ’s 2021 Re port ▪ Activities outside t he defined assurance perio d of Calendar Year 2021 Pag e 2 of 2 This limited assurance engagement relies on a risk -based selected sample of sustaina bility data and the associated li mitations tha t this entails. This independent statemen t should not be relied upon to detect all errors, omissions or misstatements that may exist. Responsibilities This preparation and presentation of the Subject Matter in the Rep ort are the sole re sponsibility of the management of Intel. Apex was not inv olved in the drafting of the Subject Matter or of th e Reporti ng Criteria. Our responsibilit ies were to: • obtain limited assurance about whether the Subject Matter has been prepar ed in accordance with the Reporting Criteria; • form an in dependent conclusion ba sed on the assurance proced ures performed a nd evidence obtain ed; and • report our conclusions to the management of Intel . Assessment Standard s We performed our work in acco rdance with Apex ’ s standard procedures and g uidelines for external Assurance of Susta inability Reports and Intern ational Standard on Assurance Enga gem ents (ISAE) 3000 Revised, Assurance Engagements Other than Audits or Reviews of Historical Financial Infor mation (effective for assur ance reports date d on or a fter De c. 15, 2015), issued by the International Auditing an d Assurance Stan dar ds Board. GHG e missions were verified in accordance with ISO 14064 -3: Second edition 2019 -04: Greenhouse gases -- Part 3: Specifica tion with Guidance for the Verification and V alidation of Greenh ouse G as Statements . A mate riality threshold of ±5 perc ent was set for the assu rance process. Summary of Work Performed As part of our independent assurance , our work included : 1. Assessing the app ropriateness of the Report ing Criteria for the Subject Matter ; 2. Conducting i nterviews with relevant Intel p ersonnel regarding data coll ection and reporting systems ; 3. Reviewing the data collection and consolidation processes used to compile Subject Mat ter , including asses sing assumptions made, and the data scope and reporting boundaries; 4. Re view ing document ary evi dence provid ed by Intel ; 5. Agreeing a selection of the Subject Matter to the corresponding source documentation ; 6. Review ing Intel systems for qu antita tive dat a aggregation and analysis ; and 7. Ass essing the disclosure and presentation of the Subject Matter to ensure consistency with ass ured information . Conclusion On the basis of our methodology and the activities described above : • Nothing has come to our attention to indicate that the Subject Ma tter is not fairly stated in all materi al respects ; and • It is our opinion that Intel has est ablished appropriate system s for the collection, aggregation and analysis of quantitative data within the scope of t his as surance . A summary o f data within the sco pe of assurance for 2021 is attached. Statement of Indepe ndence, Integrity and Competence Apex is an independent profe ssional services company that specializes in Health, Safety, Social and Environmental man agement services including assurance with over 30 years history in providing these ser vi ces . Apex has im plemente d a Code of Ethics across t he business to maintain hig h ethical standards among staff in their d ay-to-day business activities. No member of the assur ance team has a business relationship wit h Intel , its Directors or Managers beyo nd that required of this assignment . We have conducte d this assurance independent ly, and there has been no conflict of inte rest . The assurance team has extensive exp erienc e in conducting assurance ove r environmenta l, so cial, eth ical and health and safet y information, s yst ems and processes, has over 20 ye ars com bined experience in this field and an excellent understanding of Apex’s standard methodology for the assurance of greenhouse gas emissions da ta. Mary E. Armstrong -Friberg , Lead Verifier John Rohd e, Techni cal Reviewer Principal Consultant Senior Program Manager Apex Companies, LLC Apex Companies, LLC Cleveland, Ohio Lakewood , Co lorado April 1 5, 2022 Introduction Our Business Responsible Inclusive Sustainable Enabling Appendix

Intel Corporate Responsibility Report - Page 89 Intel Corporate Responsibility Report Page 88 Page 90