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• delay in treatment would result in imminent emergency care, hospital admission or might seriously jeopardize the life or health of the patient or others in contact with the patient. An emergency fill must be received at a network pharmacy and is subject to the applicable cost- sharing shown in the Medical Benefits Chart. An emergency fill is limited to no more than a seven-day supply or the minimum packaging size available. Your prescription drug rights You have the right to safe and effective pharmacy services. You also have the right to know what drugs are covered under this plan and the limits that apply. If you have a question or a concern about your prescription drug benefits, please contact Member Services at 1-877-221-8221 or visit us online at Medication Management Program The Medication Management Program is available at no extra cost to members who use network pharmacies. The program’s primary focus is on reducing cardiovascular risk by c ontrolling lipid levels and high blood pressure. Providers, including pharmacists, nurse care managers, and other staff work with members to educate, monitor, a nd adjust medication doses. Outpatient prescription drug rider limitations • If your prescription allows refills, there are limits to how early you can receive a refill. In most cases, we will refill your prescription when you have used at least 70 percent of the quantity. P rescriptions for controlled substances cannot be refilled early. Please ask your network pharmacy if you have questions about when you can get a covered refill. • The network ph armacy may reduce the day supply dispensed at the applicable cost-sharing t o a 30-day supply in any 30-day period if it determines that the drug or supply is in limited supply in the market or for certain other items. Your network pha rmacy can tell you if a drug or supply you use is one of these items. • For certain drugs or supplies we may limit the amount of a drug or supply that is covered for a specified time frame. Quantity limits are in place to ensure safe and appropriate use of a drug or supply. Drugs and supplies subject to quantity limits are indicated on our drug formulary, available at /formulary. You may also contact Member Services at 1-877-221-8221 for more information. • Not all drugs are available through mail order. Examples of drugs that cannot be mailed include controlled substances as determined by state and/or federal regulations, drugs that require special handling, and drugs affected by temperature. Outpatient prescription drug rider exclusions • Any packaging, such as blister or bubble repacking, other than the dispensing pharmacy's standard packaging. • Brand-name drugs for which a generic drug is available, unless approved. Refer to the "Prior authorization and step therapy prescribing criteria" section in this rider. • Drugs prescribed for an indication if the FDA has determined that use of that drug for that indication is contraindicated. RSARX0124 5

Kaiser Permanente NW Senior Advantage EOC (2024) - Page 166 Kaiser Permanente NW Senior Advantage EOC (2024) Page 165 Page 167