104 2024 Evidence of Coverage for WA PEBB Kaiser Permanente Senior Advantage Chapter 9: Legal notices If your estate, parent, guardian, or conservator asserts a claim against a third party based on your injury or illness, your estate, parent, guardian, or conservator and any settlement or judgment recovered by the estate, parent, guardian, or conservator shall be subject to our liens and other rights to the same extent as if you had asserted the claim against the third party. We may assign our rights to enforce our liens and other rights. Section 18 — U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs For any services for conditions arising from military service that the law requires the Department of Veterans Affairs to provide, we will not pay the Department of Veterans Affairs, and when we cover any such services we may recover the value of the services from the Department of Veterans Affairs. Section 19 — Workers' compensation or employer's liability benefits As stated in Chapter 1, Section 6, workers' compensation usually must pay first before Medicare or our plan. Therefore, we are entitled to pursue primary payments under workers' compensation or employer's liability law. You may be eligible for payments or other benefits, including amounts received as a settlement (collectively referred to as "Financial Benefit"), under workers' compensation or employer's liability law. We will provide covered services even if it is unclear whether you are entitled to a Financial Benefit, but we may recover the value of any covered services from the following sources: • From any source providing a Financial Benefit or from whom a Financial Benefit is due. • From you, to the extent that a Financial Benefit is provided or payable or would have been required to be provided or payable if you had diligently sought to establish your rights to the Financial Benefit under any workers' compensation or employer's liability law. Section 20 — Surrogacy In situations where a member receives monetary compensation to act as a surrogate, our plan will seek reimbursement of all Plan Charges for covered services the member receives that are associated with conception, pregnancy and/or delivery of the child. A surrogate arrangement is one in which a woman agrees to become pregnant and to surrender the baby to another person or persons who intend to raise the child. kp.org
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