therapists, nutritionist, health aides, and other healthcare professionals in accordance with the Advanced Care at Home treatment plan and the provider’s scope of practice and licensure. • Communication devices to allow the Enrollee to contact the medical command center 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This includes needed communication technology to support reliable connection for communication, and a personal emergency response system alert device to contact the medical command center if the Enrollee is unable to get to a phone. Additional services covered under this benefit include: • The following equipment necessary to ensure that you are monitored appropriately in your home: blood pressure cuff/monitor, pulse oximeter, scale, and thermometer. • Mobile imaging and tests such as X-rays, ultrasounds, and EKGs. • Safety items when Medically Necessary, such as shower stools, raised toilet seats, grabbers, long handled shoehorn, and sock aids. • Meals when Medically Necessary while you are receiving advanced care at home will be provided through our Network Provider, Medically Home. In addition, cost sharing is waived for the following covered services and items when the services and items are prescribed as part of your Advanced Care at Home treatment plan: • Durable Medical Equipment. • Medical Supplies. • Enrollee transportation to and from Network facilities when Enrollee transport is Medically Necessary will be arranged by Medically Home based on the most appropriate mode of transportation which could be ambulance, cabulance or otherwise. • Physician Assistant and Nurse Practitioner house calls. • Emergency Department visits associated with this benefit. The cost share is not waived and will apply to any services that are not part of your Advanced Care at Home treatment plan (for example, DME not specified in your Advanced Care at Home treatment plan). For outpatient prescription drug cost shares, see Drugs - Outpatient Prescription. Exclusions: Private Duty Nursing; housekeeping or meal services not part of your Advanced Care at Home treatment plan; any care provided by or for a family member; any other services rendered in the home which are not specified in your Advanced Care at Home treatment plan PEBB_VA_2024 14

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