Using our type effectively „o engage and infor our audiences we use font weight siže case and color to establish a clear hierarchy of inforation. entence case œentence case (capitaližing the first letter of a headline or AUTO INSURANCE subhead) helps create a friendly overage tailored to your eact needs. conversational tone. ur standard options—from collision to liability—come with a variety of limits designed to fit your budget. We also offer add-ons to enhance your protection. PROTECTING YOURSELF Liability If someone is hurt or property is damaged in an accident, we’ll pay for covered ˆody copy damages and your court costs if you are sued. Medical Payments We’ll cover accident-related medical epenses up to the policy limits for anyone ¡se ‡uardian ¬egular for ost unctuation Protection inured while in your car, regardless of who is at fault. body copy. „he color of our body lways punctuate ninsurednderinsured If you’re in an accident caused by someone who has minimal or no insurance, we’ll headlines and subheads. Motorists protect you and any passengers in your vehicle. copy is Liberty ar ‡ray. Missing punctuation loo s PROTECTING YOUR CAR li e a ista e leading ollision his coverage protects you if your car rolls over, or hits, another vehicle to a bad experience or obect. ther han ollision ou can add this coverage, also €nown as “omprehensive,” to protect your car from ll caps ay be used in tables as theft, vandalism, fire, or severe weather events, such as windstorms, hail, or earth…ua€es. he descriptions of coverages and benefits for our consuers and are necessarily brief and are subect to policy provisions, limits, deductibles, and eclusions Mechanical Parts an additional tool for reinforcing that can only be epressed in the policy itself. ar parts damaged in an accident are fully covered. overages and programs vary by state and †eplacement custoers. are not available in all states. ‰or a complete eplanation of coverages, please consult a visual hierarchy. Customized insurance Šales †epresentative. for the road ahead. —eadline color At Liberty Mutual, we know that one size doesn’t fit all. That’s why we customize your auto †or headlines we always insurance so you only pay for what you need. use Liberty ar …lue. cale and color Contact a local rep today to get your free quote. ¡sing scale and color in type helps create a clear hierarchy and a es the essage easy to read and scan. Liberty Mutual brand guidelines GRM U.S. section—September 2020 (Version 2.3) Confidential—Internal use only—Content not for reproduction 2 š
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