’mage guidelines iu Emu oug photography LiMu Eu oug should always be used and shown together and live priarily on atospheric white or yellow. ‰n the event that a specific placeent doesn’t allow for the to be shown together please reach out to LiMu Eu oug €apaign „ea at LiuEuoug“LibertyMutual.co. hotoshop files ‰ellow „rand ‹ue „he files are ‰n order to aintain the greatest layered so that ipact of the brand yellow the gradient bac ground layers reains in the sall area behind can be anaged. LiMu Eu oug (and the uster). Šhe gradient LiMu Eu oug are separated fro the yellow bac ground by a light yellow gradient. lthough subtle it eeps the shirts fro vibrating against the yellow bac ground. ’mportant¥ Usage rights ˆackground exception œoe LiMu Eu oug iages can only ‰f there is an opportunity that re™uires be used with certain products or in specific characters to be inŸsitu please reach out touchpoints. „his can change occasionally to LiMu Eu oug €apaign „ea at so it’s iportant to chec for each use. LiuEuoug“LibertyMutual.co. Contact sheets of all approved LiMu Eu oug iages along with the usage rights and expiration dates are on pages ‚Ÿ§‚ in the appendix. Liberty Mutual brand guidelines GRM U.S. section—September 2020 (Version 2.3) Confidential—Internal use only—Content not for reproduction ”›
Liberty Mutual Brand Book Page 39 Page 41