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tatue of i„erty photography „he edallion in our logo a tradear ed representation of our brand is an artistic rendering of the œtatue of Liberty. ›lacing Lady Liberty as a bac ground eleent reinforces our brand without wea ening our logo tradear . £hen we use photography of the statue it can act as a strong reinforceent of our brand increasing both recognition and eorability. ˆowever iagery of Lady Liberty ust never copete with or supersede our logo thereby threatening our tradear on it. ‚y your side, standing strong t Liberty Mutual nsurance, we’ve been dedicated to providin our policyholders with the best service for over 100 years hat means bein able to pay Cropping Usage rules¥ claims ­uic€ly and accurately t’s our financial strenth that sets us apart and ensures we’re there limit • ¡se the statue on tactics eant to build brand to stand by you awareness when capaign or lifestyle iagery stri es  ­ €ated 1 • “” ‰Ž‘cellent‹ by M ‚est †ompany an inappropriate tone. • “2” ‰¡ood‹ by Moody’s2 94% • “” ‰‡tron‹ by ‡tandard „ Šoor’s3 Financia‚ ƒecre of customers are satisfied • Ensure that our logo is ore proinent than and • ”an€ed ¢£th on the šortune 100 list of the larest –‡ with Liberty Mutual6 corporations by total revenueŸ set apart fro the œtatue of Liberty. • hird©larest property and casualty insurer in the –‡£ $41.6 • šifth©larest lobal property and casualty insurer£ billion • ¡se the approved statue photograph available „n …or ƒide in annual consolidated revenue, • œe offer a wide rane of insurance products and services as of December 31, 2018 through ¡œ€M…randœtandards“ • —ur dedicated local aents are ready to help customiªe insurance so customers only pay for what they need 50K • †eature Lady Liberty as a supporting character or people employed by Liberty Mutual in Contact me for a free, nooigation ote. 30 countries and economies noncopeting bac drop. o this by including context in [First Name] [Last Name] around the world ƒ itle „ Description… ƒddress Line 1… the iage li e her pedestal or a s y with visible clouds. ƒddress Line 2… Headshot ƒ†ity…, ƒ‡tate… ƒˆipcode… ‰Š‹ ƒŒum… Ž‘t ƒŒum… ƒŽmail… †lient ’ƒ““““““““… • ©ever crop the statue higher than the drape of the ƒ”•†•MŒ License… sleeve on her lower ar. – — ˜ ™—MŽ ˜ LšŽ ˜ ”ŽŒ Ž”‡ ˜ –M‚”ŽLL ˜ M— —”†›†LŽ ˜ †—ŒD— ˜ œ Ž”†”š 1 2 3 Ÿ £ M ‚est ”atin ‡ervices, 201ž Moody’s nvestors ‡ervice, nc, 201ž ‡tandard „ Šoor’s, 201ž Liberty Mutual ¡roup is ran€ed ¢£th on the šortune 100 list of larest corporations in the –‡ based on 2018 revenue ‚ased on 6 2018 direct written premium ‚ased on a 201¢ study conducted by ¤ualtrics 1¢£ ‚er€eley ‡treet, ‚oston, M 02116 –‡ ©201ž Liberty Mutual nsurance ŠŽ”¢1£321 0¢•1ž Lead with our logo reinforced by our brand palette for a strong brand stateent. Liberty Mutual is proud to sponsor [Super Duper Extra Long Global strength. Organization Name. [First Name] [Last Name] [xxx-xxx-xxxx] Local commitment. [fi[email protected]] Liberty Mutual brand guidelines GRM U.S. section—September 2020 (Version 2.3) Confidential—Internal use only—Content not for reproduction € …

Liberty Mutual Brand Book - Page 51 Liberty Mutual Brand Book Page 50 Page 52