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‡ U. . arketing Consumer £ourney — imagery usage „his chart details our usage of our different iagery categories per individual tactic and which part of the Œourney it falls under. ˆrand’s opportunity wareness €onsideration ›urchase €ustoer dvocate to message ‡elevantœ rospects not necessarily rospects not necessarily rospects have started Customers are on„oarding. Customers are recommending. leading in market for insurance. in market for insurance. shopping . marketing ©ew €ustoer Eails „³ ¢„ ¬„³ c™uisition isplay° €ounity Manageent touchpoints OOˆ c™uisition isplay° ¬etargeting eœervice Eails (s Liberty œocial €are ³¬) ˆighŸ‰pact isplay …anners …uild the …rand  ›rear et Landing ›ages eœervice M œocial ›ages €ounity Manageent €redit „rigger (Mortgage) ªuote Customers are engaged (†… „£ ‰‡ ¢„ ‡oogle´) (LE „witter) ª©œ €redit „rigger †ollowŸup Eails° and renewing. Organic œocial œponsorships Mar eting atabase ªuote œtart €„ ›reŸ  ›ostŸœtor †ield œponsorship „ool its „hirdŸ›arty Eail ªuote ©ot …ound „ransactional Eails ›ostŸove €ounications …ound ©ot €oplete (€lais …illing eœervice ¬„) ccident †orgiveness Eail ›aid œocial° …uild the …rand £inbac  £inbac ¬eferŸaŸ†riend isplay° …uild the …rand €redit „rigger ª©œ ›eril ›ac ets — ˆoe  uto ›artnership igital ¬enewal Eails Master„his œite ›artnership Eails ¬enewal M €rossŸœell Eails ›artnership M €lais €ounications €rossŸœell Eails M ›artnership ncillary Materials ffinity Eails ffinity M †ield OnŸsite Materials ›aid œocial° ›rear et isplay° ›rear et rospects are actively shopping for insurance. c™uisition isplay° ‰nŸar et €redit „rigger (uto Loan) Liu Eu  oug ›hotography ‰llustration Liberty Mutual brand guidelines GRM U.S. section—September 2020 (Version 2.3) Confidential—Internal use only—Content not for reproduction 3 ‚

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