Sustainability For Our For Our Creating Value For the For Our Managing Appendix at MetLife Workforce Customers as an Investor Environment Communities Responsibly UN SDGs Goal How we support the goals 1 We are proud to be a carbon neutral company—a status we’ve maintained since 2016—and we continue to build on that work with 11 climate goals for 2030, which include reducing GHG emissions across our operations and supply chain and using responsible investments to advance clean energy projects and green financing. 2 • Reduced GHG emissions by 21% between 2020 and 2021 3 • Committed to net zero GHG emissions for our global operations and general account investment portfolio by 2050 or sooner • Planted more than 200,000 trees around the world since 2020 • MetLife Foundation donated grants worth more than $1 million total since 2020 as part of our climate goal to contribute $10 million by 2030 4 • Originated more than $6 billion of new MIM-managed green investments , bringing total progress toward our $20 billion goal to nearly $10 billion We are taking action to create greater leadership commitment and accountability, deepen our understanding of equity and equality and enhance our ability to lead inclusively in the future. 5 6 7 • Achieved top-quartile performance for DEI across each ethnically and racially diverse category in the U.S. and for female officers globally, compared with other companies in our industry • Women represented 38% of MetLife’s Board of Directors5 as of April 2022 • Joined the UNGC’s Target Gender Equality Initiative, a gender-equality accelerator program for companies that have signed on to the UNGC • Joined the Human Rights Campaign’s Business Coalition for the Equality Act and signed the Business Statement on Anti-LGBTQ State Legislation • Established a comprehensive suite of public-facing long-term DEI goals for 2030 9 • MetLife Foundation completed its three-year, $5 million commitment to support racial equity in 2022 8 • Engaged with over 200 Diverse Business Partners, spending approximately $3.5 billion since the inception of our Supplier Inclusion and 10 Development Program in 2003 • MetLife Foundation committed to expanding opportunities for women and girls through partnerships that support financial health programs, careers in technology and entrepreneurship 1. METLIFE’S GOALS FOR GHG EMISSIONS AND CARBON NEUTRALITY APPLY TO ALL OF ITS OWNED AND LEASED OFFICES ACROSS THE WORLD, ITS FLEET OF AUTOMOBILES (SCOPE 1 AND 2 EMISSIONS) AND ITS EMPLOYEE BUSINESS TRAVEL (SCOPE 3 EMISSIONS). 2. GHG REDUCTIONS WERE IN PART DUE TO REDUCTIONS IN BUSINESS TRAVEL DUE TO THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC. 3. THE NET ZERO COMMITMENT APPLIES TO GHG EMISSIONS FROM METLIFE, INC.’S OWNED AND LEASED OFFICES ACROSS THE WORLD, AUTOMOBILE FLEETS, EMPLOYEE BUSINESS TRAVEL AND ASSETS IN METLIFE’S GENERAL ACCOUNT INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO, WHICH INCLUDES THE GENERAL ACCOUNTS OF METLIFE, INC.’S WHOLLY OWNED INSURANCE COMPANY SUBSIDIARIES, WHERE DATA AND METHODOLOGIES ARE AVAILABLE. EMISSIONS ARE TRACKED AND REPORTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE GREENHOUSE GAS PROTOCOL. READ MORE ABOUT METLIFE’S CLIMATE COMMITMENTS ONLINE. LEARN ABOUT METLIFE’S GENERAL ACCOUNT INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO ONLINE. 4. FOR A DEFINITION AND ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REGARDING METLIFE’S GREEN INVESTMENTS, PLEASE SEE PAGE 90. 5. WHEN COMPARED TO PEERS IN INDUSTRY BENCHMARKS. 6. DIVERSE CATEGORIES INCLUDE BLACK/AFRICAN AMERICAN; LATINO/HISPANIC; ASIAN; MULTIRACIAL. 7. THE OFFICER POPULATION IS A SUBSET OF OVERALL MANAGEMENT THAT IS A REFLECTION OF THE LEADERSHIP OF THE ORGANIZATION. IT IS COMPRISED OF ALL METLIFE EMPLOYEES AT THE VICE PRESIDENT LEVEL OR ABOVE. 8. DIVERSE BUSINESS PARTNER MEANS MAJORITY OWNED, OPERATED AND CONTROLLED BY ETHNIC MINORITIES, WOMEN, LGBTQ INDIVIDUALS, PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES, OR VETERANS, AS WELL AS FEDERALLY RECOGNIZED SMALL BUSINESSES. 9. THIS INCLUDES A $1 MILLION COMMITMENT TO THE UNITED NEGRO COLLEGE FUND TO HELP FINANCE SCHOLARSHIPS AT HISTORICALLY BLACK COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES. 10. DUE TO THE LONG HISTORY OF THE PROGRAM, SPEND FIGURES FROM 2003 THROUGH 2007 ARE APPROXIMATED. 2021 SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 95

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