Sustainability For Our For Our Creating Value For the For Our Managing Appendix at MetLife Workforce Customers as an Investor Environment Communities Responsibly TCFD Index TCFD—Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures Strategy Disclosure Focus Area Recommended Disclosure Response a) Describe the climate-related risks and CDP Climate Change 2021 C2.1, C2.1a, C2.1b, C2.2a, C-FS2.2b, C2.3a, C2.4a opportunities the organization has identified Disclose the actual over the short, medium, and long term. and potential impacts of climate- b) Describe the impact of climate- Creating Value as an Investor related risks and related risks and opportunities on the For the Environment opportunities on organization’s businesses, strategy, and the organization’s financial planning. CDP Climate Change 2021 C2.3a, C2.4a, C3.1, C3.1d, C3.1e, CFS3.2a, CFS3.2b, CFS3.3a businesses, strategy and financial c) Describe the potential impact of different Managing Responsibly >> Risk Management >> Managing Climate Risks planning. scenarios, including a 2°C scenario, on the CDP Climate Change 2021 C3.1a, C3.1c organization’s businesses, strategy, and . financial planning Risk Management a) Describe the organization’s processes for For the Environment >> Our Approach; Resilient Operations identifying and assessing climate-related Creating Value as an Investor >> Governance; MetLife General Account Investment Portfolio risks. Managing Responsibly >> Our Approach; Governance; Risk Management MIM ESG Investment Policy CDP Climate Change 2021 C2.1, C2.1a, C2.2, C2.2a, CFS2.2c, C-FS2.2f Disclose how b) Describe the organization’s processes for For the Environment the organization managing climate-related risks. identifies, assesses Creating Value as an Investor and manages Managing Responsibly >> Our Approach; Governance; Risk Management climate-related risks. CDP Climate Change 2021 C2.1, C2.1a C2.2, C2.2d c) Describe how processes for identifying, For the Environment >> Our Approach assessing, and managing climate-related Managing Responsibly >> Our Approach; Governance; Risk Management risks are integrated into the organization’s overall risk management. MIM ESG Investment Policy CDP Climate Change 2021 C2.1, C2.2 2021 SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 114