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Sustainability For Our For Our Creating Value For the For Our Managing Appendix at MetLife Workforce Customers as an Investor Environment Communities Responsibly Our Approach When we uphold our values with courage and conviction, we embody the promises we make and prove that our employees' trust is reliably placed. Effective governance underpins MetLife’s ability to fulfill our purpose—Always with you, building a more confident future. It enables us to deliver on the promises we make to our customers, employees and shareholders. We are proud to have a culture in which each employee takes responsibility for their actions, adopts an ownership mindset and is empowered to speak up. Along with customers, employees are at the heart of what we do. Our team helps us maintain customer focus as one of our global key focus areas. To maintain this culture, MetLife has focused on continuously improving governance practices and regularly adopts and updates trainings, policies and codes, and resources for all employees to uphold and promote in their day-to-day practices. These policies include: Code of Business Ethics Global Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy (see Code of Business Ethics) Antitrust Guidelines MetLife Equal Employment Opportunity Global Sales Practices Policy and Anti-Harassment Policy MetLife Speak Up Tool Global Privacy & Information Security Program (internal) MetLife Pay Equity Statement Supplier Code of Business Ethics MetLife Environmental Policy MetLife Privacy Policies 2021 SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 77

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