Fostering Diversity, Equity & Inclusion: 2021 Highlights MGM Resorts is committed to taking strong and principled stands on issues of equality and aims to better unify our world. Suggestions from our employees have led to the creation of initiatives that provide professional growth and development as well as a project that impacts Southern Nevada’s economic development. Collaboration with our employees and business partners supports our value of diversity and inclusion by building trust, transparency and understanding. COURAGEOUS CONVERSATIONS professional and personal growth. The six-month program pairs that will house a garden in the Historic Westside neighborhood. a mentee with a colleague at least one career-level above them, Moving forward, departments including food and beverage, As the national conversation around social justice emerged, and together they work to develop the employee’s knowledge, design and development, supplier diversity, environmental MGM Resorts launched a new initiative entitled: “Focused on skills and abilities. The first year of the program included 346 sustainability and human resources will collaborate to ensure What Matters: Courageous Conversations.” This open forum employees representing different genders and backgrounds. the success of the 100 Plan. between leadership and diverse cohorts of employees helps Moving forward, the program will be offered every six months The Courageous Conversations initiative will continue to grow shine a light on how the company can improve on our efforts to with employees expected to meet with their mentor for at least into 2022. We will focus on expanding partnerships within foster diversity, equity and inclusion internally and across our one hour each month. the community, identifying areas to create more inclusive communities. benefit structures, providing cohorts with event and workshop 100 Plan Following the very first cohort of more than 30 African opportunities and supporting those in need during times of American employees in 2020, MGM Resorts committed to From the African American cohort arose an interest in creating hardship. partnerships with external organizations to proactively attract adding additional cohorts of employees representing various 21-CSR-7702-010 Freight Farming Facility Container Wrap r2 ON 461” x 95.5” CMYK OPTION 1 African American talent to MGM Resorts. With this, the 100 1 demographics, with the intention of moving in a direction 10 72 that is most impactful to employees and the community while Plan was born. The proposed vision had two parts: 1) Strategic continuing on the path to positive change in 2021. alignment with historically Black colleges and universities for recruitment purposes, and 2) Direct financial support to Since making this commitment, we’ve conducted sessions with communities where we operate for economic development. five cohorts of employees, including women, African American, Addressing the first part of this vision, we partnered with the HISTORIC WESTSIDE Latino/Hispanic, Asian American and Pacific Islander and Thurgood Marshall College Fund, which provides scholarships, LGBTQ+. Together with MGM Resorts CEO and President, Bill capacity building and programmatic support to students across URBAN FARM Hornbuckle, and MGM Resorts Board Committee Chair, Rose historically Black colleges and universities. McKinney-James, the employees were encouraged to share candid views on the state of the country and company, ask In response to the plan’s second component, MGM Resorts questions and make suggestions. Working groups were then granted $500,000 to the Nevada Community Foundation to created to gather key takeaways and make progress in areas restore and reconnect the historic west side of Las Vegas, including human resources, benefits, internal programming, a predominantly Black neighborhood near downtown where upward mobility and community outreach. households earn less than half the citywide median income and where residents have felt the effects of disinvestment Mentorship Program for decades. Goals for investment in the Historic Westside When analyzing discussions from each cohort, we discovered a neighborhood focus on reconnecting community, creating and common underlying takeaway: employees expressing interest in celebrating opportunity and housing stability. increased opportunities for growth and leadership. As a result, As part of these ongoing efforts to reconnect the community, the we launched an employee-wide mentorship program, designed City of Las Vegas and Freight Farms Greenhouse is preparing a to help employees progress their careers through structured, site for the spring 2022 arrival of two MGM-branded containers self-directed learning accessible to anyone with a desire for MGM Resorts International / 9

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