Protecting the Planet: 2021 Highlights While 2021 was a year of recovery from the tumultuous impact of COVID-19 and related business closures, we nonetheless made significant progress on our environmental sustainability initiatives. Our stated environmental priorities are energy, water and materials & waste, but we consider climate to be an overarching issue that covers all of these areas, and one that we address through implementation actions in each area, not just energy alone. MGM Resorts Mega Solar Array Climate Goals & Science-based Climate Risk Assessment In June 2021 we launched the 100MW MGM Resorts Mega Targets Status In line with the recommendations of the Task Force on Solar Array. With over 336,000 panels arranged across 640 Our mega solar array project represented a milestone in Climate-Related Climate Disclosure (TCFD), in 2021, we acres, this is the hospitality industry’s largest directly sourced MGM Resorts’ long-term climate strategy and is significantly engaged an expert independent third party to conduct renewable electricity project worldwide. In 2021, clean energy helping us accelerate progress towards the climate goals a detailed climate risk and opportunity assessment for from the project helped provide up to 90% of MGM Resorts’ 1 transition and physical risks across our global portfolio. This we announced in 2018: to reduce our scope one and two Las Vegas daytime power needs on specific days. Overall in greenhouse gas emissions by 45% per square foot by 2025 assessment included a detailed review of MGM’s potential 2021 this project as well as clean electricity from the Nevada and 50% by 2030 respectively (2007 baseline). When we exposure to seven types of physical risks of climate change grid helped us source 24% renewable electricity in our primary opened the project we moved beyond these original intensity- (water stress, flood, heatwave, coldwave, hurricane, wildfire, market of Las Vegas. To provide a sense of scale, MGM based climate goals, and announced two new, more ambitious and sea-level rise) across three different modelled climate manages over 65 million square feet of buildings across 13 goals that we developed informed by guidance from the change scenarios. properties and more than 36,000 rooms in Las Vegas alone, so Science-based Targets Initiative (SBTi). These publicly this regions power demand is very substantial. Going forward, announced goals have been submitted for consideration by Under all three scenarios, the assessment found that based on this array and other local efforts, we expect our the Initiative. overall, MGM Resorts faces moderate physical risk from overall renewable electricity percentage in Las Vegas will grow • Reduce absolute scope one and two Greenhouse Gas climate change, primarily driven by exposure to water stress, to nearly 30% by the end of 2022, and increase significantly in (GHG) emissions 50% by 2030 (2019 base year) wildfire and sea level rise at specific properties. This climate subsequent years in support of our new climate goals. risk assessment is a key input to a separate report we are • Source 100% renewable electricity in US and 80% publishing in directional alignment with the guidelines of the globally by 2030 Taskforce for Climate Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). In 2021 we also completed our most detailed and comprehensive inventory of scope three2 value chain emissions, and we submitted this inventory and a proposed 2030 reduction target for review by the SBTi. 1 Scope one emissions are direct emissions from owned or controlled sources such as natural gas used in onsite boilers, or diesel for vehicles. Scope two emissions are indirect emissions from the generation of purchased energy. 2 Scope three emissions are indirect emissions for value chains, including from purchased goods and services, waste from operations, business travel, employee commuting, etc. MGM Resorts International / 16

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