INVESTING IN OUR COMMUNITIES As a member of the communities in which we operate, we believe it is our responsibility to contribute to the social and economic progress of where we live. We aim to sustain and build on the best of a community, advancing workforce opportunities, education and food security in all our regions. We are passionately committed to philanthropy, volunteerism and community engagement. VOLUNTEERING MGM RESORTS FOUNDATION Commitment to Volunteering The MGM Resorts Foundation is a nonprofit organization We have a very active employee volunteering program created to engage our employees in addressing the through which our employees have volunteered nearly a needs of the communities where we operate. million hours of time. Community Grant Fund VolunteerREWARDS The Community Grant Fund supports programs that Our VolunteerREWARDS Program allows employees benefit our communities via grants to local nonprofits. to earn a donation to their nonprofit of choice for their Funding decisions are made by Community Grant community service efforts. For every 20 volunteer hours, Councils, committees of employees who represent their employees are eligible for a grant up to $1,500 per year. respective regions. Through this fund, families and individuals receive assistance with food, housing, health and wellness services, education or employment. Employee Emergency Grants MGM Resorts provides employees and their immediate families with short-term assistance during unexpected hardships and emergencies. Grants are used to cover hardship expenses such as food and clothing assistance, temporary housing, rent, mortgages, and medical bills. Matching Gifts CHARITABLE GIVING MGM Resorts launched the Matching Gifts Program in June 2021 in an effort to encourage and promote & PRIORITIES employee giving through the MGM Resorts Foundation. One-time employee donations to the Community Grant Company Charitable Giving Fund of up to $10,000 per year are eligible to be matched MGM Resorts regards community engagement as a by the company. fundamental part of our business philosophy. Each year, we make contributions to nonprofits that reflect aspects of our community life in the regions where our employees live and work. Workforce Development To further strengthen the economic livelihood, capacity and resiliency of our communities, we support employment and vocational training programs for young adolescents and adults. Education MGM Resorts prioritizes providing access to quality education. We support programs ranging from STEM education for underserved students to scholarships for minorities and children of MGM Resorts employees. Hunger Relief In addition to providing grants focused on feeding people within our communities, MGM Resorts combats food waste and food insecurity by collecting and preserving untouched food from our resorts and providing it to those in need. We have donated more than 3 million meals since 2016. MGM Resorts International / 11