A Letter From Bill Hornbuckle and Bill Hornbuckle Rose McKinney-James CEO & PRESIDENT CHAIR, CORPORATE SOCIAL Rose McKinney-James RESPONSIBILITY & SUSTAINABILITY COMMITTEE, BOARD OF DIRECTORS At MGM Resorts, our success relies upon our ability to For the last of these strategic pillars, this period of heightened Furthermore, in addition to our goals related to diverse supplier pursue and achieve the objectives of a diverse coalition of reflection has resulted in a renewed commitment to and, in spend, we recently developed a diversity cash investment stakeholders. Our employees, customers, communities and some cases, even an expansion upon our Environmental, Social strategy and have completed deposits in regional minority shareholders all bring with them individualized interests, and Governance (ESG) goals. We developed our framework banks and minority depository institutions. some competing and some complementary, but all sharing for these goals in 2018, in alignment with the United Nations More details about these and other goals, as well as our their origin in a desire for progress and collective gain. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Some significant progress against them, can be found in the body of this report corporate strategy we pursue is an amalgamation of these examples include ensuring that by 2025 we: and on mgmresorts.com/ESG. This document tells the story of human and people focused interests – a grand coalition • Foster diversity and inclusion by spending at least 10% of how MGM Resorts remains focused on embracing humanity among our many parts on the best way to move forward and our annual, domestic, biddable procurement dollars with and protecting the planet – efforts that truly matter to invest in a brighter future. diverse suppliers. achieving the objectives of our stakeholders, to the health and Over the last two years, the economy rapidly evolved in • Invest in our communities by donating 5 million meals longevity of our communities and environment, and, ultimately, ways that no one could have predicted. Chief among the through our Feeding Forward program. to the success and profitability of our company. many disruptions we now face are significant changes to the We hope you enjoy the contents of this document and that it labor market and an upending of the global supply chain. • Protect the planet by reducing carbon emissions per square clearly demonstrates our sincere and unwavering commitment In response we’ve been nimble, finding new and innovative foot by 45% against a 2007 baseline. to our ESG principles. ways to hire, deploy and retain talent and to source the wide We are already making great strides towards these and our array of products needed to maintain our properties and to other ESG goals. In fact, by bringing the MGM Resorts Mega continue offering a high standard of guest service. Solar Array online last June, we made significant progress This same period of disruption has created an opportunity for against the Protecting the Planet goals listed above. We have us to reassess the needs of our stakeholders and, based on this also submitted two additional goals for review by the Science- refined understanding, reinvent who we are as a company and Based Targets Initiative (SBTi): where our collective purpose lies. We strive to be the world’s • To reduce absolute scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions premier gaming entertainment company and seek to achieve by 50% by 2030. that through a five-fold strategy focused on customer centricity, product innovation, global leadership, financial stewardship • To source 100% renewable electricity in the United States and, most pertinently for this letter, leadership on the world’s and 80% globally by 2030. most pressing issues – be they environmental, social, or a combination of the two. MGM Resorts International / mgmresorts.com/ESG 2