Try now Welcome to your RELAYTO Experience RELAYTO Demo Experience Leapfrog into the Future of Virtual & Hybrid Communications

Agenda RELAYTO AI powered platform has brought an entirely new approach to pursuits, by converting all sales content and any file type into a single immersive digital experience, Relayto has created a responsive navigation based on this slide which enables deal teams to connect and collaborate with customers, bring big ideas to life and differentiate Accenture from competition. Generate Enrich Organize Launch Analyze Immersive Links Add Widgets Create a Hub Privacy Policy Dashboard Auto-animation

Generate Try Immersive Links Try out the immersive links below. You can add these links in your source PDF to create an engaging and immersive experience for your audience. Relayto pitch link Youtube Demo Day ’21 Twitter

Generate Animate slides in one click Bring your slide to life with Auto-animations. You can toggle between timings, effects and pick apart specific layers you wish to animate. Try now

Enrich Content Enrich slides with widgets 1000+ out-of-the-box widgets can be added in RELAYTO/ in one click Select Add Widget from Paste the video url on the 01 02 the interactivity menu “add widget” input form. You can use this one: https://youtu.be/Kj7EkHKSRxs Place the widget here

Organize Content Organize content in hubs Hubs automatically generate shared context across different kinds of assets ー scrollable sites, presentations & videos ー in a central, always up-to-date location. The hub and (hubs of hubs) are a radically fast to bridge “orphaned assets” into binge-worthy, organized and easy-to-search experiences. Portal & multiple hubs Persistent Top Navigation Persistent Sidebar Scroll Hub | Default

Launch Content Protect your content RELAYTO allows you to fully control privacy settings for your document experiences & hubs. From making them publicly available & indexed on Google & other search engines, to completely secure with settings to provision access to only certain individuals.

Analyze Content Analyze the engagement Relayto analytics helps you understand the viewers digital body language & engage in conversations with your Audience.