14 Version 1.2 December 11, 2009 Pfizer Branding Guidelines / strategy and messagin / Brand architecture The Pfizer brand architecture structure 1 Pfizer Master brand INTERNAL/EXTERNAL INTERNAL 2 Enabling Functions (Internal) 5 External Programs & Initiatives (Corporate-wide and Division-wide) 7 BU Programs & Initiatives (Internal and External) 8 Products & Product Marketing CORPORATE-WIDE External Programs and Initiatives span the entire organization and are stewards of the company’s reputation. They help establish Pfizer as a leader in healthcare by touching more than one Division within Pfizer and providing resources for external audiences. (e.g., Pfizer Investments in Health) Each Division is composed of Business Units, and each Business Unit serves a specific purpose, need, and audience. Not all Business Units are customer facing, therefore each needs to be evaluated independently. Products are the revenue drivers of the organization and have the most visible presence in the marketplace. EXTERNAL Business Unit Programs and Initiatives originate in only one Business Unit, and external audiences engage with Pfizer through these Programs and Initiatives. They provide resources and serve specific audience needs. (e.g., First Resource, Global Access, All Eyes on Glaucoma, etc.) DIVISION-WIDE External Programs and Initiatives originate in a Division of Pfizer and touch more than one Business Unit. External audiences engage with Pfizer through these Programs and Initiatives. They serve a targeted external audience and provide a common resource for key audiences. (e.g., Pfizer Helpful Answers, Pfizer Pro, etc.) INTERNAL Business Unit Programs and Initiatives originate in only one Business Unit and provide resources and support for employees. (e.g., Area Commercial Team, PAH Online, etc.) 6 Business Units The masterbrand establishes Pfizer as the corporate umbrella under which all programs, initiatives, and products are created and communicated. The logo is the primary representation of the masterbrand. Enabling Functions include the permanent departments and sub-departments that provide guidance, support, and resources for Divisions and Business Units throughout Pfizer. Though they are not customer facing, Enabling Functions span the breadth of Pfizer, supporting all its business areas and employees. (e.g., Global Operations, Finance, Legal, Corporate Travel, etc.) 3 Divisions The five Divisions represent and manage the key operating areas where Pfizer generates business value. Each Division represents a specific area of expertise. (i.e., Pharmatherapeutics Research and Development Group, Biotherapeutics Research and Development Group, Diversified Businesses, Manufacturing.) 4 Internal Programs & Initiatives (Corporate-wide and Division-wide) CORPORATE-WIDE Internal Programs and Initiatives span the entire organization and provide common resources and support for all Pfizer employees. They are temporary and/or reoccurring events established and controlled by an Enabling Function. (e.g., Healthy Pfizer) DIVISION-WIDE Internal programs and Initiatives originate in a Division of Pfizer and touch more than one Business Unit. They are temporary and/or reoccurring events, and they provide a common resource for and unify the Division. INTERNAL EXTERNAL PFIZER HUMAN RESOURCES Biopharmaceutical Businesses General users c ommunications Professionals design agencies
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