2021 CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY REPORT I 24 In addition to serving about half of hospitals and physicians and approximately 1 in 3 adults each year in the US, Quest Diagnostics has become a recognized thought leader and innovator in COVID-19 research and services. Our original research and critical insights are highlighting the many unanticipated impacts of the pandemic on public health. Additionally, through Q4HE, we have taken a bold stand in committing to addressing testing access inequities in the short-term and disparities in outcomes into the future. Under our Quest Advanced ® offerings—concentrating initially on Neurology, Oncology, and Women's and Reproductive Health—Quest is focusing on developing a deep understanding of healthcare market trends and developing new high-quality tests and solutions to meet the emerging clinical needs of patients and providers in advanced and precision medicine. We are also playing an important role in the healthcare sphere with: • Peer-reviewed research articles in premier medical journals • Access to on-demand webinars and national conference presentations via our Clinical Education Center • Podcasts on multiple topics by clinical and operational experts • Speaking engagements by Quest executives, physicians, and researchers • Participation in national healthcare leadership groups, such as the College of Healthcare Information Management Executives (CHIME), American Clinical Laboratory Association (ACLA), and others Thought leadership marries insights to influence TABLE OF CONTENTS 2021 OVERVIEW COVID-19 RESPONSE PROMOTING A HEALTHIER WORLD CREATING AN INSPIRING WORKPLACE BUILDING VALUE REFERENCES