2021 CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY REPORT I 9 Materiality assessment In 2021, we began a materiality assessment to identify the topics of most importance to us and our stakeholders. The box below includes topics identified by our stakeholders and will serve as a foundation moving forward. Although all the topics listed below are important to our business, we intend to focus on key impact areas of business and corporate responsibility alignment. Stakeholder Mapping Cross–value chain/ cross-market prioritization of stakeholders based on influence, interest, proximity to Quest Issue Identification Business analysis of value drivers vs risk; emerging ESG issues; peer benchmarking Stakeholder Engagement Stakeholder interviews, surveys of ESG risks and opportunities Analysis and Prioritization Strategic framework aligned to mission/ purpose/strategy Executive Validation Executive leadership team reviews and reaches consensus on priorities Process TABLE OF CONTENTS 2021 OVERVIEW COVID-19 RESPONSE PROMOTING A HEALTHIER WORLD CREATING AN INSPIRING WORKPLACE BUILDING VALUE REFERENCES Identified topics Access and affordability l Business ethics and compliance l Circular economy and waste l Climate change l Community investment l Corporate governance l Data privacy and cybersecurity l Diversity, equity, and inclusion l Innovation l Patient- and consumer-centered care l Product quality and safety l Public policy and regulation l Responsible marketing l Risk and crisis management l Supply chain responsibility l Talent management and culture l Water stewardship l Worker health, safety, and well-being l Category l Enviromental l Social l Governance l Cross-cutting