2021 CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY REPORT I 64 STEWARDSHIP Environmental sustainability drives operational excellence The COVID-19 pandemic had a dramatic impact on our operations, including our testing mix, which affected our environmental metrics. As Quest transitions to the post-pandemic period, we anticipate that there will be additional impacts and we will remain focused on sustainability considerations. Key elements driving our environmental sustainability program • Pollution prevention: We will minimize waste in our operations through process improvements and focused recycling efforts • Energy efficiency, sourcing and use: We will include renewable energy in our sourcing of energy when cost-effective and feasible. We will use energy efficiently and make efforts to improve efficiency through technology and innovation • Fleet conservation: We will utilize technology to improve our ground fleet efficiency, thereby reducing carbon fuel use and associated greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) • Strategic sourcing: We will take environmental impact into consideration when making decisions about the materials and services we purchase in order to reduce consumption of natural resources and decrease waste and emissions Our Environment, Health, and Safety (EHS) department leads the development of our strategic environmental plans and GreenQuest, working closely with regional teams to identify opportunities for improvements and to lead local projects. We maintain programs to monitor the environmental impacts at our major laboratories and audit environmental management. We train key staff in environmental management, covering handling of chemicals, pathogens, and waste reduction, and include localized training in the specifics of each facility. We continue to pursue ISO 14001 and ISO 22301 certifications in 2022 for our San Juan Capistrano laboratory, and we are also pursuing LEED-equivalent certification for our new Clifton laboratory. Climate action In 2021, we started the process of analyzing climate risks and opportunities for our business based on the recommendations of the Task Force for Climate Related Financial Disclosures. We created teams to review our climate risks and opportunities, as well as our water use and waste. We also initiated efforts to improve measurement of our GHG emissions, with a focus on Scopes 1 and 2. Data in the following tables include estimates. US EIA’s Commercial Building Energy Consumption Surveys (CBECS) data and EPA’s Emissions & Generation Resource Integrated Database (eGrid) were used to estimate utility usage and related emissions factors for small locations when not available from other sources. These data cover 100% of our operations in North America and Latin America. Table 1: GHG Emissions (Metric tons CO2-e per 1M test requisitions) Measure 2021 a Scope 1 CO2e 1,095.9 Scope 2 CO2e 487.3 Scope 3 b 113,886.0 a ERM Certification and Verification Services (ERM CVS) conducted independent third-party assurance of year 2021 Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions data. See the Independent Assurance Statement by ERM CVS here . b Scope 3 emissions include only Purchased Goods & Services, Fuel & Energy Related Activities, Upstream Transportation & Distribution, Waste Generated in Operations, Business Travel, and Employee Commuting. TABLE OF CONTENTS 2021 OVERVIEW COVID-19 RESPONSE PROMOTING A HEALTHIER WORLD CREATING AN INSPIRING WORKPLACE BUILDING VALUE REFERENCES