Our Approach In September 2020, Salesforce surveyed our strategic suppliers to understand their progress, intentions, and challenges related to SBTs. We got feedback from more than 100 suppliers. These results stand out: Progress & Intentions M SBTs are widely recognized. Over 90% of suppliers were familiar with SBTs, and 37% reported that they were already exploring setting SBTs1 M Companies understand the value of SBTs. Of the suppliers who were familiar with SBTs but had not yet explored setting one themselves, 75% said they’re interested in looking into what setting an SBT would mean for them. 50% of these companies had already set a climate target that was not science-based1 M GHG measurement is a barrier for some. Only 15% of suppliers who were unfamiliar with or not yet exploring SBTs had measured their GHG emissions. This is a notable gap, since a company must have completed GHG measurement in order to set an SBT. Challenges We also asked suppliers to tell us what they see as the biggest challenges to setting an SBT. Suppliers responded quite differently depending where they were in the process. M Among suppliers who had already set targets, supply chain emissions were top of mind. 60% considered “insufficient understanding of or control over their supply chain to tackle Scope 3 emissions” to be the biggest barrier to target setting. Only 30% of suppliers who had yet to set an SBT named this as one of their biggest challenges.‰ M For the group without a target a “lack of internal resources to effectively manage and drive the process for setting an SBT" was the leading challenge, cited by 41% of suppliers. Additionally, 30% cited a “lack of technology and tools to help them manage data to set and/or achieve a target.” 7 | Salesforce.com/sustainability

Reducing Value Chain Emissions by Enabling Supplier Action - Page 8 Reducing Value Chain Emissions by Enabling Supplier Action Page 7 Page 9