Carbon Removal We know that to address climate change we first need to decrease emissions, and increase removals from the atmosphere; and we need these solutions in combination. We are focused on enhancing the natural carbon removal tools that are available today and scaling the technology-based carbon removal opportunities of tomorrow. Some emissions can't be avoided or reduced in the near term. That's why we invest in a portfolio that compensates for remaining Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions with high-quality carbon credits, transitioning to removals only credits over time. This portfolio contains high-impact projects that aim to improve people's lives, deliver environmental impact, and reduce/ remove carbon today. Our approach to carbon credits It is important for Salesforce, and other companies leading on climate action, to be transparent in their approach to carbon credits. Taskforce on Scaling Voluntary Carbon Markets There are two major types of carbon credits defined by the : "Avoidance/reduction projects reduce emissions from current sources, such as by funding the implementation of lower- carbon technologies such as renewable energy, and avoiding practices that cause emissions such as by reducing deforestation.) "Removal/sequestration projects take out and use/store CO2 from the atmosphere, including through nature-based sequestration such as reforestation, peatland restoration, and technology-based removal such as bio-energy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS) and direct air capture with carbon capture and storage (DACCS)." The window of opportunity to achieve a 1.5°C world is closing fast. For the world to reach Net Zero emissions, we must rapidly deploy existing solutions today, while we also scale and innovate solutions for tomorrow such as carbon removals technologies. We must also prioritize emissions reductions today, which in turn limits the amount of removals we need later in the century. To that end, we are deploying multiple types of capital including purchasing both avoidance/reduction and removal/sequestration carbon credits today, and over time we will transition to removals only. We know there is a lot of learning ahead as this market is still forming. We BASCS co-created the Business Alliance to Scale Climate Solutions ( ) to help mature the market and make sure the highest quality projects get the support they need. Resources Make a science-based target that provides a clearly-defined pathway to Become a member of BASCS to increase the scale and impact of business reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to limit global warming to 1.5°C, investments in climate solutions. Science-based Targets initiative through the . business case Learn about the for investing in natural carbon removal tools. 7 |