Basic Guidelines for Santander 8 1. Logot ype Clear space To ensure legibility we need to give enough clear space around the logo. The ideal clear space for the preferred and secondary versions is defined by the flame symbol width. If needed, there’s also a minimum clear space area, defined by half of the flame symbol width. For the symbol, the security space is defined by a 28x28 modular grid with a security space of 5 modules at the top and sides and 6 at the bottom. The minimum security space is 3 modules on the top and sides and 4 on the bottom. For extreme cases, such as favpictogram, you can consider a security space of less than 1 module on the top and sides and 2 on the bottom. Minimum size To provide legibility and clarity of the Santander logo a minimum size has been established for each version: Main Version: 25px / 3mm Secondary Version : 50px / 5mm Symbol: 16px / 3mm 25px / 3mm 50px / 5mm 16px / 3mm 28 28 Minimum size Preferred clear space Minimum clear space Main version Positive Symbol Secondary version
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