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10 CONTROL TOWER TO OPTIMIZE PATIENT FLOWS AND LOGISTICS Not satis昀椀ed with our current position, we are always working hard to 昀椀nd new ways to propel Sheba to be a completely smart hospital. To achieve this, ARC has launched the ‘Control Tower’ project, building a central location to manage all the clinical needs of patients, optimizing patient 昀氀ows as well as logistics. While airports have a control tower to manage a huge amount of air tra昀케c, hospitals are currently lacking a similar solution to manage the 昀氀ow of the thousands of patients who go through its doors every day. Hospitals can also be extremely ine昀케cient with both patients and doctors wasting time waiting for appointments and operating rooms. By introducing a control tower, hospitals can become well-oiled machines of e昀케ciency, leading to more e昀케cient and patient-centric care, and increasing hospitals’ capacities to serve. The control tower ensures that each patient is in the right department at the right time, and in the case of any change in condition, medical sta昀昀 will be alerted to move the patient to the most relevant department. Additionally, the control tower not only looks at how the patient is clinically, but at critical logistical issues which impact patient 昀氀ow. For example, if a patient needs to be moved to a bed in a di昀昀erent department, the control tower will not only know that there is a vacant bed, but when it has been cleaned and is ready to accept a new patient. I predict that in ten years’ time, hospital control towers will be as commonplace and crucial as Electronic Health Records. SHEBA AS A SMART HOSPITAL LIGHTHOUSE

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