Type specimen: Ideal stack H1 Larsseit Bold, 36/38 A better way to work H2 Larsseit Bold, 24/28 Simpler, more pleasant and more productive H3 Larsseit Bold, 18/21 The kind of thing you don’t know you need, but once you have it, you can’t live without it. It feels like the natural evolution of work. H4 Larsseit Bold, 12/15 After all, every organization needs a little Slack. P There is an enormous and heretofore largely unmet wrong inbox, you have access to none of it. Rather Share channels with companies Hero P Circular Book, demand for an easier way to coordinate and align than inboxes, all those messages are organized into and businesses you regularly work Circular Book, Style Set 2, people. That demand is why Slack is here today, and channels. Channels can correspond to anything - proj- Style Set 2, Optical Kerning, why Slack is being adopted all over the world. Email ects, teams, planning, office locations, business units, with to bring all the right people Optical Kerning, -10 Tracking is the default coordinating point for communications functional areas, temporary channels for things like -10 Tracking 7/9 and the go-to platform enterprise software develop- planning an offsite. Unlike email, Slack was designed into the same room. 10/14 ers use when they need to reach human beings, but from the bottoms-up to integrate with the software inside a company it works poorly. Enormous flows tools you use every day. Whatever tools you already of information course through it, but each person use, Slack vastly increases the value of your software CTA Text has only a tiny view. Email holds rich history: all the investment, by making it easier to access, easier to Circular Bold, decisions made, questions answered and information act upon, and easier to share. Style Set 2, shared, but if you’re new to a company, or just in the Optical Kerning, Quote Mark +20 Tracking Circular Book, 36 “ 7/9 Pull Quote We believe that the advantages are so great Larsseit Thin, 18/21 that a shift to working on Slack, or something like it, is inevitable. Attribution Marcel Gherkins Circular Bold/ Spokesperson, Slack Book Italic, 7/9 31 Slack Brand Guidelines Design Elements

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