2. Trademarks a. “SLACK” text usage guidelines 2. For international use, do not use the ® symbol. i. The company name is “Slack Technologies, Inc.” Instead say “Slack is a trademark and service mark ii. Do of Slack Technologies, Inc., registered in the U.S. 1. When “Slack” is used, use only as an adjective and in other countries.” at the bottom of the page followed by a description of our services on which the Slack word mark first appears. 2. Examples: Slack collaboration software, others? 3. On all marketing materials, include “Copyright 2019 3. If true, you’re welcome to say that your product Slack Technologies, Inc.” marking at bottom, right integrates with Slack (we love that!), but please don’t justified for all marketing materials. [Minimum font use our name or marks as part of yours. size to be specified (e.g., cannot be smaller than N iii. Do Not pt font -OR- needs to be legible)] 1. Don’t use “Slack” as a noun, verb, plural, or b. Logo use guidelines possessive i. Download logos at [link] 2. Don’t use the Slack marks in a way that suggests a ii. Logo usage guidelines at https://a.slack-edge. common, descriptive, or generic meaning com/0f43e/marketing/img/media-kit/Slack-Brand- 3. Don’t register a domain containing the word “slack” Guidelines.pdf or any variation thereof. Deliberate misspellings and iii. Do: transliterations are also not permitted. 1. Ensure there is adequate space between the logo 4. Do not apply for a trademark that includes the word and surrounding elements. “slack,” our logo, or any other words or marks similar 2. For the horizontal logo, the clear space around it to our own should always be greater than or equal to the size of 5. Do not use “Slack” or our other trademarks in the octothorpe. connection with advertising (search engine or 3. For the stacked logo, the clear space around it otherwise) without explicit approval from Slack should always be greater than or equal to the length 6. Don’t use the Slack logo (with or without your of one lozenge in the octothorpe. company logo) iv. Do not: iv. Marking 1. Please don’t modify the marks or use them in a 1. For usage only within the U.S., use the ® symbol on confusing way, including suggesting sponsorship the most prominent use of the word Slack (Slack®), or endorsement by Slack, or in a way that confuses and say “Slack is a registered trademark and service Slack with another brand (including your own). mark of Slack Technologies, Inc.” at the bottom 2. Don’t use any logos or similar imagery to represent of the page on which the Slack word mark first Slack other than the examples we have provided in appears. the Slack Brandfolder. 53 Slack Brand Guidelines Design Elements

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