building tools p. 25 body copy This is the text that dives into the details; The body copy should be font: itc avant garde medium it must be readable and clear. reversed out of a Sony black leading: 1.3 x type size If the consumer gets to this point, we background. letter spacing: 0/optical have them considering purchase, and word spacing: 80% looking for the truths of the product. color: black or white, never use color alignment: flush left/ragged right ( ) Word spacing Mac : command+alt/option+shift+J type size: 7 pt type size: 9 pt type size: 12 pt leading: 1.3 x 7 = 9.1 pt leading: 1.3 x 9 =11.7 pt leading: 1.3 x 12 =15.6 pt ( ( ) ( ITC Avant Garde In the late ’40s, Sony then called Totsuko) was highly In the late ’40s, Sony then called Totsuko In the late ’40s, Sony then called Medium concerned with careful packaging of its products. was highly concerned with careful packag- Totsuko) was highly concerned Each of its products was individually packed in shock- ing of its products. Each of its products was absorbing shavings, and nailed shut in a wooden box. with careful packaging of its reverse-safe Totsuko actually conducted a physical shock test by re- individually packed in shock-absorbing peatedly dropping a loaded package on the factory’s shavings, and nailed shut in a wooden box. products. Each of its products concrete floor, and photographing the insides to check was individually packed in shock- how well the product had withstood the shock each Totsuko actually conducted a physical time it was dropped. With this extra attention being paid shock test by repeatedly dropping a loaded absorbing shavings, and nailed to the quality of the packaging, Totsuko’s reputation for package on the factory’s concrete floor, excellence continued to spread. shut in a wooden box. Totsuko and photographing the insides to check actually conducted a physical ( ( ( ITC Avant Garde In the late ’40s, Sony then called Totsuko) was highly In the late ’40s, Sony then called Totsuko) In the late ’40s, Sony then called Demi concerned with careful packaging of its products. was highly concerned with careful packag- Totsuko) was highly concerned with Each of its products was individually packed in shock- ing of its products. Each of its products was absorbing shavings, and nailed shut in a wooden box. careful packaging of its products. reverse-safe Totsuko actually conducted a physical shock test by individually packed in shock-absorbing repeatedly dropping a loaded package on the factory’s shavings, and nailed shut in a wooden Each of its products was individually concrete floor, and photographing the insides to check packed in shock-absorbing shav- how well the product had withstood the shock each box. Totsuko actually conducted a physical time it was dropped. With this extra attention being paid shock test by repeatedly dropping a loaded ings, and nailed shut in a wooden to the quality of the packaging, Totsuko’s reputation for package on the factory’s concrete floor, and excellence continued to spread. box. Totsuko actually conducted photographing the insides to check how well a physical shock test by repeatedly the product had withstood the shock each dropping a loaded package on the