foundation p. 16 Sony black Sony black ensures the most focused home for a white Sony logo. 60% cyan 50% magenta CMYK is a subtractive color model used Colors may also be specified as an in color printing. Sony black is built from RGB triplet in hexadecimal format (a hex the following values: 60% cyan, 50% triplet); this six-digit alphanumeric code magenta, 20% yellow, and 100% black. is used in HTML and CSS, and other com- puting applications, to represent color. The RGB color model is an additive The first two digits represent the red value, model in which red, green, and blue the second two represent the green value, are combined to reproduce other and the last two represent the blue value. colors used on screen. The deepest Over 16 million colors can be represented black is built from zero values for red, by this system. Sony black on screen green, and blue. should have the hex triplet 000000. Sony black For newspaper print guidelines, please refer to page 67. 0 red 0 green 20% yellow 100% black 0 blue
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