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Graphic elements Heart Symbol Cropping Always show part of the top edge on both sides of the heart Pretzels Just because we like you. Always show the connecting point Heart Symbol between the two sides of the heart. The Heart Symbol is used to highlight important applications and touchpoints within the Customer experience. The use of the cropped heart is reserved for close and personal Customer encounters. If cropping the heart note that the logo must be present. Drink Drink Note: Always use the Heart Symbol in full color. coupon coupon Lightly Salted Honey Roasted Beer, Wine, or Liquor Beer, Wine, or Liquor Peanuts Peanuts Note: When cropping the Heart Symbol, make sure Peanuts are our favorite too. We thought you deserved all four colors are visible. If cropping the heart the logo must a treat. always be present. J. Smith Things you can touch, feel and hold, where the Customer can 0123456789 Exp Dec 31, 2014 experience. This should be used for our own channels where J. Smith Gift card 0123456789 we serve Customers. Exp Dec 31, 2014 Snack packaging Drink coupon This should not be for traditional advertising. No more than two graphic elements can be used in combination on each page. Ticket jacket For internal applications, no additional logo is needed. Incorrect cropping Never crop the Heart Symbol in an unapproved way. On the right are some examples of incorrect cropping. Welcome Departure gate# Departure gate# Departure gate# Departure gate# Do not crop in so Do not flip the Do not show the Do not crop in so Do not crop off Do not reorder or Do not display text closely that the Heart Symbol. entire top of the closely that one of the top of the amend the colors or symbols on the shape of the Heart Symbol. the Heart Symbol’s Heart Symbol. of the Heart Symbol. Heart Symbol. Heart Symbol four colors is becomes unclear. not visible. The Visual Elements Southwest Airlines Brand Style Guide | 35

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